Chapter 5: Kittichai Shinawatra

The person launched themselves at Kittichai. He was quick to think and jumped to the side, barely avoiding them. They crashed into the wall where he had just been, which caused them to stumble slightly. When it staggered from the crash, he took the chance to get a few more steps away from it. He kept his eyes on the person, well he wasn't even sure if they were still classified as a person anymore. They smelled like rotting flesh and blood.

"Were they even still alive?" He wondered as he examined it. "It acts more like an animal than a human."

He watched it cautiously as he circled it, slowly trying to get to the alley exit. It snarled and snapped its head sideways once again, and then back to normal. It turned towards him, its foot dragged as it took a couple steps towards him. Once it got to where it wanted, it lunged at him again. He jumped back to his left as it blocked his way again. Backing up a little, he quickly glanced up the exiting alley as two men came from around the corner. The two men stopped when they saw the situation. The sight was clearly not settling in in their minds. As they stood there in shock, the creature jumped at him again. Kitt was quick to focus back on the creature as it threw itself towards him. Rotating on his feet, he dodged it. He turned under its outstretched arms, grabbing the sword that was on its waist as he went under it.

While the creature took a moment to figure out what Kitt had just done, he took the chance to run towards the police officers. Just as he thought he made it out, another creature dove at him from his right. He noticed at the last second and jumped backwards barely avoiding it once again. He was also extremely aware of the creature getting ready to leap from behind him. Kitt prepared himself as the creature got closer. He wasn't going to stop trying to escape the situation, but he was really starting to think his chances of success were dwindling. Just as he started to think he might not make it, he heard a gunshot as the one behind him dropped dead. The one in front of him turned and looked at him. Its eyes were foggy and it was drooling. It's skin was paler than the moon, yet with a green-blue tint. He hadn't been sure if he should kill it or not. As it may have looked like murder to anyone other than himself, but when the cop had fired a deadly shot on the creature, Kitt took that as enough reassurance to do what he had to to survive.

He gripped the sword tightly in his hand and braced himself. When it launched itself at him once again, Kitt was ready and jumped backwards. When he landed, he swung the sword down on its neck. The body fell limp on the ground and its head rolled a little further down the alley. He looked at the body one last time, still not sure if it was truly dead, before he picked up his phone and quickly jogged out of the alley. He stopped in front of the officers and bowed. "Thank you."

"What was that? Was that really a human?" The officer who had fired the gun asked.

"I am not really sure, there was a dead body here.. I mean at least I thought it was dead... I tried to report it, but I got attacked by... whatever that was." Kitt responded, a little shook up from the encounter.

The brunette officer nodded, "I hate to do this to you, but I will have to bring you in for questioning. Hanwoo, go investigate the alley and if something like this..." He gestured to the corpses, "appears before you, don't hesitate to shoot them. I get the feeling that they won't hesitate to hurt you." The officer said to his partner.

"Of course." The officer named Hanwoo, bowed politely to the brunette officer before acting on his orders.

"I am head detective Kim Seojun, and that is my partner Kang Hanwoo. What's your name?" The man asked in a kind tone, yet it was authoritative.

"I'm called Kittichai, Kittichai Shinawatra." He replied quietly. Kitt wasn't really someone who liked to have unnecessary involvement with people. The whole situation now caused him to have too much involvement. Mingling with new people made him overly anxious and he was rather shy around most people. He looked at the detective and noticed Seojun was a rather young head detective, probably mid twenties. He was quite handsome and his hair was a dark brown color which suited his features well.

"That's quite a name, are you from Thailand?" The detective tried to make small talk.

"My mother is Thai and my father is Korean. I usually go by Kitt." He explained.

Kitt watched as detective Kim walked further into the alley and shined a flashlight at the bodies. No matter how bad the experience in the alley had been, Kitt still followed the detective over to the bodies. The detective turned to look at him and then down to the hwando sword that Kitt still held. Detective Kim snatched the sword out of his hand and began poking and prodding at the bodies. Kitt stood to the side as he watched the detective use the sword to examine them, using it to move their limbs. He then pointed at a bite wound on the body of the one he had shot. It was a human bite wound just like the last one. Unlike the first body he had seen, bite wounds were the only visible wounds on this body aside from the dangling hand and missing fingers. "The other body had bite wounds as well." Kitt said his thoughts out loud as he looked at the armless body which was now decapitated. His comment visibly earned a glance from the detective before he then turned his attention to the headless body.

An hour passed by rather quickly as he watched the detective examine the bodies. Finally the detective decided he had thoroughly examined the bodies.

"I'm going to call in the forensics." Detective Kim said as he stepped out of ear range.

Kitt crouched down and examined the body while he waited. "How did you get this way? I wonder who or what could've done this to you? I'm getting the feeling that this is going to end very badly." He thought to himself.

"Okay the forensics will be here shortly, I have to bring you in for questioning." Head detective Kim said just as detective Kang also returned from patrolling the alley.

"I'm going to stay here and wait for the forensics. I also want to investigate the scene a bit more. Maybe we missed something." Detective Kang said to the head detective.

"Very well, I'm gonna take Kittichai in for questioning, don't touch the bodies at all... am I understood?" The older said in a strict tone to his partner. With a nod Hanwoo turned back to the crime scene.

Kitt walked with the detective to the patrol car. He went to get into the back seat, when the detective touched his shoulder. "I don't suspect you are the person who committed the crimes, taking you in is protocol, but I'm not gonna make you sit in the back like you are an actual criminal." As he said that he gestured to the passenger seat.

"I thought I had to sit in the back because it is protocol?" Kitt mumbled to the detective.

"What they don't know won't hurt them." The detective winked at him and shrugged his shoulders as he gestured for Kitt to get into the vehicle. He didn't have the energy to be reluctant, so he hopped into the passenger seat and buckled in. They then started the drive through the city to the police station. Little did they know, they would never arrive at their destination...