Chapter 6: Lee Taehyun

His alarm clock blared a song suddenly, jolting him awake from his nap. Taehyun grunted some complaints as he sat up. Getting up out of his bed, he walked sluggishly over to his tiny kitchen. He rubbed at his tired eyes drowsily, hoping it would make the tired go away. His plan failed, leaving him just as tired as he was before.

Grabbing a water bottle out of the fridge before he made his way over to his closet to change into some clothes that were a little more presentable, well, in comparison to the clothes he wore earlier that day to decorate the brick wall. All his clothes were quite flashy, so he decided to try and put on one of his least flashy tops and jeans, which happened to be a white fleece turtleneck sweater, and a pair of dark brown jeans. Grabbing his backpack he slung it over his shoulder, before he picked up two large bags filled with his art canvases. With his bags in tow, he ran down to the train station from his apartment.

It was oddly quiet for this time of day. Which made Taehyun feel the same way he had felt earlier when he was in the alley, uneasy. He looked around briefly before walking quickly to his train. He felt grateful to be leaving Busan. He had to attend an art expedition in Seoul, so he wouldn't be in Busan for the next week or so.

Getting on the train, he released a sigh of relief. Looking around the train he noticed that the train car was mostly empty, which was surprising.

"Why is it so empty? Is it because I got on the second to last train car, or is it because of something else?" Taehyun pondered as he sat down.

There were only two other people in the train car, both wore a dust mask which covered their face. One appeared to be a good looking man who had nice eyes. His hair was bleached blonde. He wore a punk-ish style of clothes that looked like an expensive brand, he stood by the door checking his watch as if he was expecting someone.

The other person appeared kind of shady. They had a dust mask on with sunglasses, which covered all of their face. The person wore a poncho-like sweater with a hood. Their hood was up, but you could still tell they had headphones on underneath. The poncho-like sweater covered all of the person's upper body which made it hard to tell what gender they were. Everything they wore that was visible to the naked eye was gender neutral.

He shook his head to clear his thoughts and began taking his own headphones out of his backpack, slipping them on his head. He enjoyed listening to jazz music, so he closed his eyes, relishing in the music. He patiently waited for the train to depart the station.

As it hit about 8:28 PM, two minutes before departure, people started rushing onto the train. About seven people suddenly ran into the train car from the front end, they seemed panicked.

The commotion caused the person in the poncho to look up from what they were doing, clearly observing the situation. Taehyun examined all of their faces, they were scared and some even appeared to have a little red on their clothes.

"Is that blood?" He stated his thoughts out loud.

At the comment, the person in the poncho turned to look at him before jumping up from their seat. They jogged over to where the people had come in from, closed the door quickly and proceeded to reach up and lock it. The person backed a little ways back from the door, as if observing something. After a moment or two passed, a person slammed into the door, which made a few of the panicked passengers yelp. The first one who slammed into the door was then followed by two more. Then a whole group of them ran into the door. Taehyun rubbed his eyes, thinking maybe it was just his eyes playing tricks on him. These people looked a little funny, almost sickly in color. He looked at the panicked group of people who stood staring out the door in horror. He scanned across each individual face and recognized someone, "Seojun-hyung?"