Chapter 11: Kang Hanwoo

He was investigating the alley. He didn't know why he wanted to stay and investigate the alley, but the whole situation made him feel troubled. He felt as if he had missed something vital. He stared at the ground near the bodies and let out a long sigh. As he stared at the ground a little longer his eyes fell upon something. A footprint?

It was a large footprint, it came from the alley. The footprints matched the body in which Seojun had shot earlier. Hanwoo kneeled down closer to the bodies, making sure not to touch them though. He examined the bottom of the shoes, he noticed a strange goo; it looked a lot like tar, but it was a dark shade of blue. It had left wet footprints everywhere; they were extremely faint and wouldn't be noticeable to someone who hadn't been staring at the ground for long. As his eyes followed the faint steps, he noticed that the man had a struggle at some point. Where he had struggled was where the other body must've been before it had attacked the young man. There was blood that dotted the cement in some places and some that covered it. He assumed the blood that had dotted the pavement belonged to the owner of the footprints. Something serious had happened here. His eyes now followed the traces of footprints up the alley from where they had come from.

As Hanwoo traced the man's steps through multiple alleys he finally reached a building. He stood back a ways away though, spectating from afar. He considered going into the building, but decided not to go without backup.

A few minutes passed as he observed the building. An abandoned building, no doubt, with a basement. It was attached to an apartment complex as well. He moved closer to the building now. As he approached the building he heard a door swing open, followed by loud footsteps. A person ran out of the building in a panic. He jumped behind a dumpster that was near the exit of the basement. As he peeked around the corner of the dumpster he caught a glimpse of a quick blur. They had run to the front of the apartment. Hanwoo quickly snuck over to the building opposite, trying to see if they were still there. Sure enough a person stood out front of the apartment. The person's face was completely covered though, which made him throw his head back in disbelief. If he couldn't see a face, he'd never know who they were. The person finally moved from the spot and quickly hailed a cab. Again Hanwoo re-positioned himself, he dove into the stairway of the basement and peered out over the top. As the cab started to drive away, there was a loud bang and then everything went blank.

When he opened his eyes, everything was blurry. His head was spinning and his ears were ringing. His lungs screamed for air as he laid on the cement, all the air had been knocked out of him. He took in a deep breath as he tried to reunite his lungs with oxygen, which only caused him to choke on the harsh smoke. He sat up off the ground, and held his hands to his head as he tried to recall the incident. He remembered following the footsteps that led him there, after that though, it was a complete blur. He reached back and touched the back of his head, he flinched as he touched something wet and sticky. He looked at his fingers that he touched his head with and grumbled some complaints. He wasn't even surprised to find blood. He stood up quickly, which made him lose his balance and stumble a bit. Hanwoo knew damn well that he had a concussion. When he finally stood steadily, he looked around at his surroundings through blurred vision. He could tell that the sky was covered with smoke.

When his eyes finally went back to normal he noticed how far he had been thrown. He was about fifteen feet from the basement entry, well what was left of it anyway. As he stared in astonishment at how far he had been thrown something stumbled out of the basement. Hanwoo clumsily rushed forward to help, it was a person... So he thought. As he came within five feet of it he stopped. As it came into his view clearly, he backed up. It walked in an extremely uncoordinated manner and it made a low gurgling noise as it got closer to him. A terrible stench reached his nose, it smelled like a rotting corpse.

Hanwoo drew his gun from his coat, and aimed at its head. The creature looked directly at him, it appeared to have no interest in him. He cautiously examined it from where he stood. He noticed that it wasn't the same color as the creatures that had been killed in the alley earlier. This creatures skin was almost white, the other ones had been a pale blue-green tint. This one also had a number burnt into its forehead and a paper hanging from its clothes. He wasn't sure what it all meant though; he was about to pull the trigger, but stopped as seven more of the creatures walked out of the smoke ridden basement. He started to think twice about firing his gun. He knew it should be put down, but he wasn't sure how the other creatures would react.

He bit his lip as he contemplated on what to do. His eyes wandered to the paper connected to its clothing once again. Gathering his courage, he snuck towards it. The creature was completely unaware of Hanwoo as he got closer. Once he was close enough he quickly, yet quietly, snatched the paper and retreated. He retreated about twenty feet from the creatures. He shoved the paper in his pocket, making a lot of noise as it crinkled to fit. All eight heads snapped in the direction of the noise, they all simultaneously started sprinting towards Hanwoo. They ran at a quickening speed towards him. Hanwoo was completely caught off guard as they sped in his direction. The pale creatures closed the distance rapidly. He didn't have time to think rationally as they sped closer, so he quickly ran out of the closest alleyway in a panic. His footsteps echoed loudly and clumsily through the alley. He wished he could have been quieter as he sprinted away, but he was still feeling the effects of his collision with the pavement. Each clumsy step he took drew the monster's attention to him.

He ran around the corner and onto the busy streets. People screamed in horror as the eight pale creatures came into view. The screams of the onlookers quickly drew the attention of the monsters. Hanwoo stopped dead in his tracks, he turned in sheer horror as the monsters attacked the innocent bystanders on the streets. He watched as one tackled a woman to the ground and bit her neck. It ripped viciously at her skin. Another bit into a young boy's arm, he was probably no older than sixteen.

His head spun. "what have I done..?"

He should've just shot them, even if it had gotten him killed in the end. It was his job to protect these people and yet he just brought the monster to them.

"I should've gone back with Seojun." He thought. Hanwoo couldn't help but watch in horror as the poor woman savagely got torn apart, she had died within seconds, but the creature still tore at her. The creature suddenly stopped tearing at the women and turned its attention to another noisy civilian. The woman who had just been getting torn apart, now sat up. She was nearly the same color as the ones he had seen earlier that day. She stood awkwardly, before turning her head in Hanwoo's direction. As she slowly walked towards him, he backed up.

"How come this one was different from the others. Slower, but can see me, while the pale ones are fast, but can't see me." He wondered as he turned from the massacre. Hanwoo sprinted away, guilt ripping at his heart.

He had run about two miles down the road and had lost the monsters quickly amongst the chaos. He stopped as he neared the train station. He could see people standing in the middle of the road, as they were trying to see something. He stood observing them from where he was. A few moments passed as he tried to figure out what was going on. Hanwoo took a shaky step backwards as a couple of the people in the crowd turned quickly and fled. The first two who had turned to run, got away, but the rest who ran got caught. He was shocked, there was no way that those creatures were able to get to this part of town quicker than him. Turning, Hanwoo fled the scene, he followed after the other two people.

The two people who ran away went to go straight, but Hanwoo shouted at them. "No, go into the train station, those things are on that side of town too!"

The two people immediately changed their course of direction and headed into the station. The monsters were following a little further behind.

"RUN! RUN!" The one man in front of him shouted. Some people in the station turned to see the commotion and ran in the opposite direction. Hanwoo tried his best to keep up with the crowd. The man in the front went to round the corner, but no sooner than he rounded the corner, he was greeted by a monster. It tackled him to the ground and ripped into his face as he screamed in agony. The second man who was on his left stared in horror.

"RUN!" Hanwoo shouted and pointed down the opposite hall. The man jumped from the sudden order before running away quickly, leaving Hanwoo. He pulled his gun and shot the attacking creature in the head without any hesitation this time. The man screamed as his face bled violently from being attacked. His screams were excruciating to listen to. The man looked at Hanwoo with pitiful eyes as he started to have a seizure. There was nothing he could do to help. He felt sorry for the guy, but continued on his way, leaving the man to die and turn.

He glanced around the corner to see if there were any more creatures, but it seemed there had only been one. He sprinted down the station halls, which were unnaturally quiet. There was one person in the hall and he was walking towards the train. He rushed towards the man. As he approached him, the man turned around to see what the rush was. He locked eyes with him. It was someone he knew, one of the firemen from the fire department. He couldn't think of his name right off the top of his head.

"Hanwoo?" The man questioned.

He disregarded everything, and grabbed the man by his arm and pulled him along with. He was so relieved when he reached the closest train car and closed the door. He stared out the door blankly as he tried to regulate his breathing. A creature ran into the door harshly and caused blood to splatter across the door. The green haired guy reached out towards the door which caught Hanwoo's attention. He brought his hand up and gently put it on the firemen's hand and lowered it. The man looked up at Hanwoo in which he just simply shook his head at the man. He scanned over the man's features as the man gave him a questioning look. He recognized the firemen as a man named Yeongsu.

"Shouldn't we help him?" Yeongsu questioned.

"There may not be a way to help." He replied as his head started to throb. Now that he was on the train, his adrenaline rush was beginning to fade and the pain in his head was starting to return.

"How did this happen?" Hanwoo thought.