Chapter 12: Kittichai Shinawatra

He sat quietly in the passenger seat of the police car as they rode towards the police station. If Kitt had something planned for his day this definitely wasn't what he would've had in mind. They drove into town in silence, the kind of silence that made him feel uncomfortable.

Detective Kim's phone rang abruptly, breaking the silence. Kitt could see the concern written on the detective's face as he reached for the phone, "hello, police department, state your emergency."

Kitt examined the detective's facial expression closely. After a few seconds his face visibly softened. "Of course, can you tell me your name?" Detective Kim questioned, "now what is your friend's name?" He kindly asked the person on the other end. "Kittichai? Hold on a second." When Kitt heard his name in the conversation he straightened his back. Detective Kim then leaned over to him, "Hey do you happen to know Kim Jiwon? If so, he is worried about you." Kitt nodded his head. He was surprised when the detective passed him the phone.

"Hello? Jiwon-ah?" He answered the phone. He heard his friend let out a long sigh which was quickly followed by Jiwon bombarding Kitt with questions.

"Where are you? Why aren't you at your apartment? Why aren't you getting my messages? Why are you with a police officer?"

"Well I am at a café. My phone broke because I dropped it, clumsy me. I decided to hang out with my friend who I happened to run into when I was shopping earlier, he happens to be a police officer." He spilled lies from out of his mouth. Kittichai didn't want his friend to worry anymore than he already was.

"You have another friend other than me?" Jiwon queried.

"Yes. I have a few friends, you just don't know about them." Kitt responded. It wasn't a complete lie, he does happen to have one other friend, whom he met while he was participating in a community service scholarship.

"Oh yeah, what are their names? Where did you meet them?" Jiwon asked, obviously suspicious of Kitt's words. Jiwon reminded him of an overly clingy girlfriend at that moment. Of course, Jiwon was also right to be suspicious, since Kitt was spouting quite a few lies in order to not worry Jiwon. "I mean you never talked about them before."

"Well there is Kim Seojun, Kang Hanwoo and Jeon Yeongsu." Kitt said the first names that popped into his head, all the while the officer kept side glancing at him during the conversation. "I met Seojun and Hanwoo both at an event outside of my apartment building, and I met Yeongsu when I had to do that community service scholarship at the firehouse." He wasn't fond of lying, especially to his friend, but if it meant his friend would worry less, he could do it.

"Oh I see." His friend let out another audible sigh.

He was silent for a minute, before it dawned on him. "How do you know I am not at my apartment? Are you in Busan?" He questioned Jiwon, his turn to feel worried. He waited for an answer, the response taking longer than he had wanted.

"I-I am in Busan, I had a photo-shoot here for the past two weeks." His friend stuttered, "but I am leaving, I am even on the train right now. It is going to be leaving at eight thirty." He said in an almost innocent tone.

"Why didn't you tell me that you were in Busan? Where were you staying? You could have stayed with me." Kitt wasn't even mad that his friend had hid it from him. He looked at the detective, and put his hand over the phone as he whispered a question. "Before you bring me in. Do you think we could see my friend off at the station?"

The detective glanced at him as he responded, "of course, it'll be quick right?"

"Yes, the train leaves at eight thirty. So it'll be quick." He answered, which earned a nod from the detective as he changed their course of direction.

"Hey, I'm going to come see you off at the station, see you soon. Bye." Kitt didn't wait for Jiwon to respond, he just quickly hit the end call button and handed the phone back to the detective.

"Why did you lie to your friend?" The detective asked.

"I didn't want him to worry more than he already was." Kittichai stated honestly. The detective nodded his head and turned his attention back to the road.

The detective turned as they made their way towards their destination and came to a stop at a red light. The stop was at an intersection, a little ways away from the station. It was a straightaway the rest of the way there. Kitt and the detective sat silently in the patrol car and watched as a crowd of people suddenly ran through the intersection. The people fled from the street to their left. Most of the people ran straight through the fourway but a few took the turn and ran to the station.

"What's going on?" The detective questioned.

"I think we need to get out of the car." Kittichai stated in a serious tone as he looked over to detective Kim, he had a feeling that he already knew what the cause of the panic was.

"What why?" The detective asked.

"They are obviously panicked by something and I'd rather not stay and find out what has made everyone so scared. You can't drive through that crowd, so let's get out and head for the station right now!" He pointed out as he boldly ordered the detective. He quickly unbuckled and exited the vehicle. Not bothering to close the door, he ran a few steps towards the station. He looked back towards the car as detective Kim grabbed something from the back seat. The officer then jogged over to Kitt and handed him the object.

"Here take this!" The detective said as Kitt took the object into his hand. The detective had handed him the sword from earlier. Both Kittichai and the detective turned and looked to where the people were coming from as a pedestrian wailed painfully. Kitt's eyes widened in surprise as he saw the creatures from earlier, they were now everywhere. They tackled the closest pedestrians and tore into their flesh.

Kitt and the detective took off running towards the station and started maneuvering through the crowd. He skillfully moved through the crowd, easily dodging people as he made his way forward. Just as he reached the center of the crowd, he jumped backwards as a person fell onto the ground. A creature had grabbed their leg and knocked them down. The person let out a deafening wail as the monster sank its teeth into their thigh. Kitt flinched as he quickly drew the sword and swung it down on the monster's head. He swung down on the monster like he would an axe that was being used to chop wood. The motion almost split its head in two which made the creature fall limp onto the person's leg. The person looked at him, their eyes begging him to say that this wasn't real. Of course he couldn't say that it wasn't real because everything was really actually happening. He stared back at the person and shook his head sorrowfully, the person closed their eyes briefly in defeat before they started to convulse. Foam bubbled from their mouth for a moment before their body relaxed and fell completely still. Kitt briefly bowed his head to show respect to the deceased, before stepping over the fresh corpse. He continued through the crowd, not bothering to look back at the scene.

When he finally exited the main crowd, he turned back in search of the detective. He didn't have to search long as the detective exited the masses soon after him. When detective Kim reached him, they ran into the station with a few other people who had scattered from the crowd.

As the small group ran through the station their footsteps echoed loudly. When the group got closer to the end of the station a quick blur leapt out from the side and tackled the person who was in front of everyone. It bit him and tore at him relentlessly, the creature swung its head side to side as it tried to rip a chunk out of the man's arm. The man's scream rang through the empty station. Kitt watched as the detective approached it slowly with his gun drawn, finger on the trigger. Right when he was about to fire his weapon, another one of the creatures jumped out at the detective. Luckily the detective was quick, swiftly leaping back in the knick of time which caused the creature to land between Kitt and the detective as it missed its intended target. Kitt watched as the detective narrowly avoided the attack, falling to the ground as he clearly landed on his ankle the wrong way. When the officer fell, his gun slid across the floor to the right of the creature. The creature watched the weapon slide before it turned its attention from the gun on the floor to the defenseless detective. With a menacing snarl, the creature slowly started to stalk towards the detective. Kitt scrunched his face as he watched the detective scramble to his feet as the creature got closer. The detective visibly flinched from the pain in his ankle as he stood. The creature got ready to lunge at detective Kim again, bending its legs as it prepared. Kitt felt that the detective was too vulnerable as he assessed the situation, he could see that the officer wouldn't be able to dodge the creature a second time. Kitt quickly thought of a way to help. He wasn't really thinking things through as he took his phone out, throwing it at the creature with precision. It flew through the air and smacked into the creature's head. With a growl, it snapped its head to look at him.

"Get out of here! Go to the train, I'll distract it!" Kitt shouted as he pointed towards the train boarding area. The detective gave him a curt nod before running towards the train making sure to take the remaining group with him. Both the creatures were far too occupied to pay any mind to the people fleeing. He had been too worried about the detective before to thoroughly examine the monsters. Now that he had actually looked over the monsters, he realized that these creatures were canines. They appeared sickly just like the people.

"Probably some strays that ate from the corpse I saw earlier. Sick through consumption?" Kittichai wondered as he kept his eyes on the canine in front of him.

"Come and get me you son of a bitch!" He waved his hands to provoke the canine. It launched itself at him and he rolled under it going directly for the detective's lost gun. He grabbed the gun and then dashed to the side, making his way through the station. The left side went towards the opposite side of the station. If his mind remembered correctly, he could get down to the train from that side of the station too. He might have to cross over the train tracks from the left side to catch the KTX train though.

With a monster canine hot on his heels, he approached the left side of the station. As he neared the left, he heard some screams from in front of him. The loud groans of the sick could be heard along with the horrified screams. Kitt didn't have the time to redirect his course though, so he quickly scanned the corridor for doors. Near the end of the station he caught sight of a door to a restroom. It was a women's restroom, but at that moment he couldn't care less about being called a pervert. He ran into the door with excessive force, pushing it open with his shoulder. He threw the sword on the bathroom floor as he swiftly turned and shut the door, locking it just as the canine rammed into it. The creature repeated itself multiple times before it finally gave up. He released a sigh of relief when the canine decided to leave the door alone. He eyed the gun that he still held in his one hand, he then put the gun in his inner jacket pocket hoping to return it to its owner at some point. He looked around and realized that the restroom had two exits. There was the door he had just entered and another at the opposite end. Kitt picked up the sword once again and approached the opposite door with extreme caution. He opened the door slightly, barely enough to see out. That side seemed to only have a few monsters who had strayed from the majority.

He stood in the restroom waiting for a few minutes. He peeked out the door again, there were only about two creatures on that side now. He examined the sword in his hand, this sword was going to be his way out. He had to make the train or he'd surely die there and since the train was the only option for his survival, even if the chances of surviving were low, he had to try. He let out a long grunt of discontent before he burst out of the bathroom. The door swung open with an echoing thud and drew in anything close enough to have heard it. He didn't have the time to spend on being quiet or he'd miss the train. He sped quickly towards the two creatures. One jumped at him from the left, which he dodged easily. He was starting to realize that the creatures all seemed to lunge at him when he was within a short distance which made it easier for him to avoid them. He quickly focused on the other creature that was right in the middle of his path. He charged towards it, not backing down and when Kitt was close to it, like he predicted, it lunged at him. He was ready and swung his sword down on it as it neared. He missed its head hitting its arm instead. The force of the hit took the creature's arm clean off causing it to face plant into the polished flooring of the station. He neared where a large window overlooked the train, he could hear it starting to depart the station. He couldn't miss it no matter what, there was no time and no way he would be able to make it down the stairs and board the train on time so he braced himself as he neared the window...