Chapter 13: Kim Seojun

When Seojun leapt out of the way, he landed on his ankle wrong. He fell to the ground with the most terrible timing with his gun sliding across the hall. The infected dog turned to him and approached slowly. He scrambled to his feet in a panic, pain shooting up his left leg as he applied pressure to it. The canine readied itself to leap again, he knew he wouldn't be able to avoid it a second time. Just as he readied himself for impact, an object flew across the room and smacked it right in the side of the head. The canine turned, full attention to the attacker. Kittichai had thrown his phone to get its attention. Seojun couldn't help but briefly admire Kittichai's aim.

"Get out of here! Go to the train, I will distract it!" Kittichai shouted at Seojun and the remaining group. Seojun nodded as he led the group down the hall and past the most immediate danger, which made him silently thank Kittichai. He slowly lagged behind the group as he limped.

As they got closer to the end of the hall, the rest of the group slowed, jogging behind the detective. Seojun glanced around the corner, it was mostly clear except for an orange haired man who was walking at a fast pace. He watched for a brief second and realized the man wasn't alone. Another canine hunted the oblivious man from behind. Seojun looked at the small group of five.

"Run as fast as you can, don't stop until you are on the train. Let's go." He whispered the order to them before running out first.

The orange haired man turned around just as the canine went to pounce. Seojun was a little faster, yanking the man out of the way by his arm.

"Watch out!" He shouted. Seojun had pulled the man with so much force it caused the man to lose his balance. The detective kept a firm grip on his arm in order to keep the man from falling. "Follow me closely, and don't look back!" He ordered, quickly dragging the man until he was steady enough to run on his own. He led the confused man onto the first train car, immediately after the other five people. The detective looked at the man he had dragged along with him. He recognized him, but he couldn't remember his name, Mansik or something. Seojun had helped Mansik deal with a crazy stalker fan. It was the case that had gotten him promoted to detective. The stalker was actually a sasaeng who secretly murdered her past idol's girlfriend. Since Seojun solved the homicidal sasaeng case, he got a promotion.

A passenger on the train stated something, but Seojun was too lost in thought to acknowledge it. He zoned out as another passenger on the train jogged over and closed the train door, right before groups of creatures rammed into the door.

"Seojun hyung?" Someone asked, his name drawing his attention. Seojun turned to look at the speaker, it was a handsome man with silver hair.

"Taehyun-ah?" Seokjin rushed over to Taehyun. He pulled the silver haired man in for a long hug. The hug clearly caught Taehyun off guard, as Seojun felt him tense up. He had briefly forgot that Taehyun was somewhat uncomfortable with physical contact.

"What is happening, why are you and Hanwoo here?" Taehyun asked the detective. Seojun looked to where Hanwoo sat on the opposite side of the train car.

"Hanwoo-ssi?" Seojun released Taehyun and went to greet the other detective now. He looked Hanwoo up and down with concern, "What happened to you? Why do you look like that? Why are you here?" Seojun took a deep breath, "I'm glad you are here, that means you aren't in danger."

He watched as Hanwoo looked up at him with a defeated look, "I-I think I may have caused some trouble."

"What do you mean?" Seojun queried. As the officers were talking, Seojun failed to notice that Taehyun came over to them.

"What the hell is going on, someone care to explain!?" A dark green haired man shoved his way in between the detectives. "Why did that person just faceplant into the door?" The man asked in an angry tone as he pointed to the blood trailing down the glass door.

"Yeongsu-ya?" Seojun asked.

"Hyung, you're also here?" Taehyun questioned, "but I would also like to know, what is going on."

"Me too." A fifth person pushed their way into the small group.

"Minseok-ssi? You're here too?" Hanwoo asked.

"Yeah, I was coming to see my friend, Jiwon, off at the station." Minseok pointed to a blonde man in a mask, which seemed to catch Jiwon's attention. The man then quickly walked over to the group.

"What is going on, hyung? Do you know them?" Jiwon asked the orange haired man.

"This is my close friend Jiwon-ah." Minseok said.

"Jiwon?" Seojun thought to himself, the name sounded oddly familiar. He tried to remember. It dawned on him as he recalled the man who called about his friend, Kittichai's friend. Guilt flooded over Seojun as he recalled leaving Kittichai in the train station. He had sacrificed himself for the rest of them. "Oh what am I going to tell Jiwon? Maybe I won't have to say anything, after all, how would Jiwon know I had been with Kittichai?" Seojun internally argued with himself on what he would say or if he would even say anything. He put his hand on his face in frustration until Minseok put an end to his internal argument.

"These are my friends, Kang Hanwoo, Jeon Yeongsu, Kim Seojun and..." Minseok trailed off.

"Lee Taehyun." The silver haired man stuck his hand out to Minseok.

"Seojun-ssi?... Are you a cop?" The blonde asked, grabbing his attention.

"Yes..." Seojun didn't know what to say aside from the truth.

"Were you with Kittichai? You were with him right? Where is he?" Seojun felt bad as he watched the blonde scan the area for his friend.

"I-I was-" Seojun started.

Jiwon latched onto Seojun's shirt collar before he could finish his statement. Jiwon made eye contact with him as he pulled him closer by the collar.

"Jiwon-ah what are you doing!? He's an officer of the law!" Minseok went to pull his friend off the detective, but Seojun raised his hand slightly telling Minseok not to interfere. The detective lowered his eyes, too ashamed to face anyone.

"I said, WHERE. IS. KITT?" Jiwon demanded.

"He stayed behind to save everyone." Seojun said in a small voice as he gestured to a few of the other passengers.

"What? He what..? He's my best friend, I can't do this without him." Seojun felt Jiwon loosen his grip on his collar. Sadness crossed the blonde's face, before another surge of anger took over. Jiwon drew his fist as he glared at the detective. He swung, his fist connecting harshly with Seojun's face. The sound echoed through the train car, earning a few surprised yelps from the other passengers. The punch was much stronger than one would have expected from the smaller man, the impact caused Seojun to fall backwards into the seating. He sat in defeat as his nose started to bleed, Seojun honestly wanted the blonde to hit him a few more times. Whether or not it would make either of the men feel better was a different story.

"Jiwon-ah, stop!!" Minseok grabbed both of Jiwon's arms as he tried to swing again. Minseok clearly locked the blonde's arms in place, saving Seojun from getting hit again. Hanwoo now stepped in front of Seojun in a protective manner causing Jiwon to falter in his fit of rage.

"You're a cop... It's your job to protect the people. How come it was Kittichai that protected you, not you that protected him!?" Jiwon snapped at the detective taking a step away from him.

Those words struck Seojun deep, like knives in his heart. Jiwon was right, he should've done a better job protecting Kittichai, he was in his custody after all. He looked up at Jiwon from where he still sat, he could clearly see the pain in the blonde's eyes. Tears began to pour from Jiwon's eyes, before he turned and hugged Minseok. 

Hanwoo and Yeongsu helped Seojun stand back up as Taehyun approached him. Taehyun simply came over to him, handed him a cloth to use for his bloodied nose and then turned away without a word.

"Was Taehyun disappointed too?" He wondered, as the train started to move.

Just as the train began to move a loud thud sounded on the top of the train. It was followed by a sound that sounded almost like sleet hitting a metal roof and a few more thuds.

"Oh My God! Are they on the top of the train?" A woman shouted at the far end of the train. Once the woman said that, more people started to panic. Both detectives looked totally defeated, and didn't dare try to calm the panicked pedestrians.

"Please remain calm! You should be safe here." Yeongsu said loudly with a sense of authority.

"How can you be sure?" Another person asked.

"There are two cops in here with guns, and what are those creatures going to do? Dig through metal? Those things couldn't even get through the doors. Anyway even if they are on top of the train, how long are they really going to be able to remain up there?" The fireman said with a hint of sarcasm. "The train goes too fast for someone to be able to stay up there." Just as Yeongsu said that, a monster flew off the top of the train drawing everyone's attention. Almost everyone ran to that side of the train and watched as the creature tumbled violently as it hit the ground. Once the creature stopped tumbling they watched as it stood up again and started to follow the train slowly.

"Hey, Yeongsu-hyung? I know you said that the train goes fast, but how come it isn't picking up speed?" Taehyun commented.

Everyone who was in their group looked at the artist, he made a valid point. Seojun looked out the window, Taehyun was right. The train was going rather slow. Probably around thirty miles per hour and since it is a bullet train, it could travel a lot faster than it was currently going.

Another thud sounded from the roof above them. Noise from the roof echoed through the train car for a while. After a moment another monster flew off the roof. It crashed on the ground head first and tumbled violently just like the first monster. Though this monster didn't get back up to follow the train.

Seojun looked at his partner, he looked like he had been through a war.

"What had happened to him?" He wondered to himself. Curiosity getting the better of him, Seojun decided to ask, "Hanwoo-ssi, what happened to you within the time we separated?"

Hanwoo clearly stared at him for a moment, not seeming to register the question. Seojun watched as Hanwoo opened and closed his mouth multiple times before he managed to speak.

"I found something, I followed the footsteps of the one who had the sword. I came to an abandoned building." He paused, visibly furrowing his brow in concentration. Hanwoo seemed to be in pain. "I got close to the building, not meaning to. I don't remember why I got close. I was going to call for backup." Hanwoo stopped talking, straining himself to remember. As Hanwoo strained himself, he began to wear an agonized expression.

"Hanwoo-ssi, don't hurt yourself if you can't remember right now, I just wanted to know what happened to you." Seojun patted his subordinate on the shoulder in reassurance.

"Well, I had gotten too close to the building and it exploded.. It sent me flying. When I woke up the building was in flames and those monsters came out of the basement. They were a little different." Hanwoo continued, clearly disregarding Seojun's concern. "They were almost white in color. They were blind and were very sound oriented and I..." Hanwoo trailed off. Seojun was a tilted his head curiously as Hanwoo dug through his pockets in a hurry. He then pulled out a small piece of paper. Seojun observed as Hanwoo examined the paper briefly. Hanwoo seemed unsure of something, but handed the paper to Seojun anyway. 

"Hanwoo-ssi, why don't you relax for a little while. You look like you injured your head pretty badly." Seojun said to his partner before he examined the paper. His eyes widened in disbelief at what Hanwoo had handed him. The piece of paper answered at least one of his questions...