Chapter 30: Sawyer Kayzhen

Sawyer yawned as the early morning sun peeked into the window. It shined through the curtain hitting her right in the eyes as she slept. She sat up and stretched her arms out over her head as she glanced around the room. Hina was still sound asleep as she let out little snores. Sawyer thought about messing with the curtain and then going back to sleep, but she decided she wanted to go up to the rooftop to get some fresh air and watch the sunrise. Something she used to love to do before everything happened. She ran a brush through her hair quickly and pulled it up in a high ponytail. It wasn't neat, but it wasn't messy either. A few strands dangled down the sides of her face. She slipped on a pair of black leggings and a long sleeve shirt. It wasn't something she would wear out in public normally, but she was tired and wanted to be comfortable.

Once she was dressed with her hair tied up, she pulled her switchblade out of her backpack and put it in her pocket and then made her way out of the penthouse. She went up the stairway to the roof. Once she was outside she let out a sigh of relaxation.

"Nothing like the morning air." She looked at the sky, gray clouds were starting to roll in. "It's going to rain soon."

"Aish, why won't you guys answer." Someone growled from the otherside of the roof, behind the stairway. She recognized their voice. "Come on... I knew this was a bad idea. I should've just listened to Hanwoo and Seojun."

Sawyer approached Yeongsu from behind. He was pacing back in forth as he tried to talk through the radio.

"What happened." Sawyer asked as she put her hand on Yeongsu's shoulder.

Yeongsu jumped at the sudden contact and placed his hand over his heart. He obviously hadn't been expecting anyone to be up this early in the morning, "you surprised me."

"Sorry... What happened, why are you pacing?" Sawyer asked as the breeze picked up a bit. She grabbed her arms, shivering from the cold morning air.

Yeongsu must've noticed that she was cold because he took his hoodie off and handed it to her. She gave him a questioning look before taking it from him and putting it on. It smelled like a mix of coconut and cologne, it was surprisingly nice for something that had been hand washed once or twice since the first day they arrived in Daegu.

"Kitt and Taehyun are down there. They haven't radioed back for a while now. I think they made it to the back alley, but I can't see them from here." Yeongsu explained. He had looked hesitant at first so Sawyer was surprised when he had actually told her why he was worried.

"I'll go down and check it out." She stated as she turned to exit the roof.

Yeongsu grabbed her arm, stopping her. She turned to look at him, confused. "I don't want you to go down there. What if you get hurt?"

"I'll be careful." She attempted to reassure him.

"Sawyer, please." Yeongsu pleaded. "I don't want to risk anything happening to you as well."

Sawyer was surprised when he said her name, she didn't think anyone knew her name. She had been going by KZ this whole time and had assumed no one had figured it out. "How do you know my name?" She asked.

"I... I saw it accidentally when your drawings fell on the floor in Hina's apartment on the first day." Yeongsu released her and rubbed his other arm.

She realized that he grew shy at the question and changed the topic. "I'll be careful, trust me. I'll bring them both back safe and sound." He gave her a concerned look before she added, "I will come back safe and sound too."

Yeongsu didn't look convinced yet, but gave her a nod. "You better come back."

"Of course." She gave him a quick smile before she ran down the stairs. She was quick to reach the bottom floor. She took a deep breath before slowly pushing open the door. She walked into the secured alleyway cautiously. She looked around making sure it was safe. Sawyer quietly approached the back dumpsters. She lowered herself onto the ground and looked under the dumpster. She could see two lurkers' feet trudging along the truck. One lurker was on the passenger side of the truck and one she could see on the other side of the truck from underneath on the drivers side.

"I need a different angle if I am to do this safely." She thought to herself as she pushed up off the ground. She looked around the alley and saw the dumpster that led to the convenience store rooftop. As she approached the dumpster it began to downpour. The rain bounced off the surroundings creating a loud noise.

"This may work in my favor." She thought as she began to climb up to the roof as quietly as possible, she struggled a little bit because she was a bit short and it was now wet and slippery. Once she was up on the roof she crouched down and snuck to the edge. Looking down she examined the alley. She could only see five lurkers around the truck. One in the back, the two she could see from under the dumpster and two in front of the truck. She pulled her switchblade out of her pocket as the one lurker trudged closer to the convenience store that she was on. She readied her weapon and took a deep breath. She jumped off the roof and landed on the lurker, the knife driving into its skull. The rain covered the sound of the body hitting the ground and didn't draw any unnecessary attention. She pulled the knife out quickly as she snuck to the back corner of the truck. She bent down and looked under the truck to see which way the other lurkers were facing. The lurker on the drivers side had its feet facing towards the front of the truck. Then the one in the front looked forward while the other one was looking towards the passengers side.

Sawyer snuck towards the lurker on the drivers side; she raised her knife and drove it into its temple. She held the creature steady as she lowered the body to the ground quietly. She then approached the front of the truck. Both lurkers were still looking in the direction they were when she had looked from the back. She crept up behind the first lurker, making sure she kept close to the front of the truck. She stabbed it through the temple and lowered the body down quietly. The other lurker began to turn around so she quickly withdrew the knife and threw herself onto the next one. It landed heavily on the ground and began to let out a shrill noise, but Sawyer was faster as she sliced a deep gash across its throat. She had sliced so deep that no noise came out as it continued to try and communicate with the other lurkers. Sawyer stabbed the lurker through the eye, causing it to cease its movements. Just as she went to stand up, she made eye contact with the last lurker. It looked at her and began to charge towards her. Just as she thought that she may have a problem the passenger side door flew open and smacked into the lurker causing it to fly off to the side. The lurker landed with a loud plop as it splashed onto the pavement. Kittichai was quick to jump out of the vehicle and drive his sword into the fallen lurker's head. Sawyer looked at the sword as Kittichai pulled the blade from the lurker's skull. Brown blood flowed from the wound and mixed with the rain. The stench was revolting, none of the bodies they killed before smelled like this one. It smelled as if it had been dead for weeks. She gagged a bit, but regained her composure as Kittichai grabbed the body by the legs and moved it underneath the truck.

"What are you doing out here KZ?" Kittichai asked.

"I woke up early and ran into Yeongsu on the roof. He was having a mental breakdown. You might want to radio him." Sawyer responded.

"Aish." Kittichai muttered as he reached back in the truck. As he moved, Sawyer noticed something.

"Is that a gun case behind the seat?" She asked as she leaned to the side.

Taehyun, who had remained in the truck the whole time, looked at her strangely.

Kittichai took the gun case out and put it on the seat. "Tae, can you unsnap that side of the case." Kittichai asked as he unsnapped the locks that were closest to him. Taehyun did what was asked of him and they both opened the case. It was a beautiful sniper with a few boxes full of ammo.

"What kind of sniper is it?" Taehyun asked.

"Barrett M82A1." Kittichai stated. "It was one of my father's favorite weapons."

"It's pretty." Taehyun gawked.

"I'll look through the front of the truck, you two should move those dumpsters and begin to unload whatever you found in the truck. Clearly it was worth enough to bring the whole vehicle home." Sawyer stated.

"It was a lot of food rations." Taehyun replied as he went over to the dumpster and began to move it aside. His silver hair was flattened on his head by the rain, the rain made the silver a little darker and it was really shiny. It made her let out a soft chuckle because his hair reminded her of a wet Koala.

"What are you laughing at?" Kittichai questioned.

"He looks like a wet Koala bear right now, doesn't he?" She stated in amusement.

"Yeah, he kind of does." Kittichai agreed before he approached Taehyun and began to help the artist move the dumpster.

Sawyer went into the truck and grabbed the radio.

"I am letting you know everyone is safe." She said warmly into the radio.

"Oh thank god you are safe, Taehyun and Kitt are safe too?" Yeongsu responded immediately.

"Yes. Do you want to come down and help us carry up the crates?" She asked him.

"I will be right down." Yeongsu said.

Everyone began moving the crates into the blocked off area. They sat all the crates inside the area where the dumpsters had blocked off along with the fence that still had the demolished blanket. Once all the crates were in that area, Kittichai moved the dumpster back to where it blocked the alley.

"Yeongsu and I will bring the crates up to the tenth floor. KZ, you and Taehyun should then bring the crates the rest of the way up." Kittichai stated.

"Why don't you bring them up to the fifth floor, I can bring them to the tenth floor, Yeongsu can bring them to the fifteenth floor and KZ can bring them to the last four floors?" Taehyun stated a little more logically.

"Whichever one you guys feel is easier." Kittichai patted Taehyun on the shoulder. Sawyer didn't fail to notice the slight blush that crossed Taehyun's face.

"I'll be waiting." Sawyer stated as she made her way up towards the fifteenth floor.

Yeongsu accompanied her until they reached the tenth floor.

"Thank you for what you did." Yeongsu stated softly.

"You're welcome. You know... If you guys ever sneak out again, you can trust me. I can always be of help, I'm not really one to follow the rules." She chuckled lightly at Yeongsu.

"I didn't take you as the type to follow the rules." He said with a slight smile on his lips.

"Oh really, why is that?" She asked.

"I mean, someone who follows the rules wouldn't have helped out today, nor would've followed a stranger into a basement with a laboratory." He responded.

"I suppose that is true. No normal person would've stayed to investigate either." She half joked earning a slight laugh from Yeongsu. He rubbed his arm as she smiled at him. She could tell his ears were slightly red. "I should probably get up to the next floor." She stated before turning towards the stairs. "I'll see you in a little bit."

Yeongsu didn't respond as she made her way up the stairs "He has a cute side to him." She thought to herself as she reached the floor she was supposed to be. She sat on the stairs as she waited for Yeongsu to bring her a crate. She waited a little while before Yeongsu finally brought a crate up, she then took the crate from him and made her way up to the top floor.

The four of them spent the next two hours moving the rations up to the nineteenth floor. Sawyer made sure to fill the hallway leading to the penthouse. She didn't want to wake anyone up yet; she knew eventually that the rest of the group would find out, but she didn't want to be the one who exposed everyone.

Once they finished moving all the rations, they all entered the penthouse together. Hanwoo was sitting in the kitchen with his arms crossed, Seojun was cooking breakfast and Minseok, Hina, Jiwon and Yongrae were all at the dining table chatting.

"Where have you guys been all morning?" Hanwoo asked, anger evident in his voice.

"I was on the roof." Yeongsu replied first, which wasn't a lie.

"I was helping Yeongsu." Sawyer also responded with the truth.

"Right." Hanwoo gave them a harsh glare, obviously not believing an ounce of what was being said. "Let me guess you two were also out on the roof helping Yeongsu?" He asked Kittichai and Taehyun.

"Um, I don't mean to interrupt... I never said I was on the roof. I just said that I was helping Yeongsu." Sawyer interjected.

"So how did you get soaking wet?" He gestured to her hair that was still dripping water.

"I couldn't have helped Yeongsu if I hadn't been on the roof at some point." She beat around the bush. Hanwoo twisted his expression as he clearly tried to wrap his brain around what she was saying.

"Kitt, Taehyun-ah, where were you?" Seojun interrupted.

"Outside." Kittichai answered for them.

"On the roof or on the ground?" Seojun asked, his facial expression said that he already knew the answer.

"The ground." Kittichai responded and moved to stand in front of Taehyun.

Sawyer already knew that Kittichai and Taehyun were going to get in the most trouble.

"You went to see that truck when we specifically told you not to." Hanwoo snapped. "Not only did you go out there, you dragged Yeongsu and KZ into it. That is reckless endangerment!"

"Excuse me, last time I checked I make my own decisions. I'm an adult, thank you. They didn't drag me into it, I volunteered." Yeongsu snapped. "You are sadly mistaken if you think that I am going to sit here and let you lecture me about a decision I made on my own. Second, who do you think you are to try and lecture someone older than you?"

Hanwoo went silent as Yeongsu went off on him. Everyone in the room was evidently surprised by his sudden outburst.

"You think you're in charge just because you are a cop? Law enforcement? Well listen hear and listen good. I don't take orders from no one, especially half assed leaders. Unless you correct your shit and start acting like a real leader, I am never going to respect your authority. Though, maybe you aren't looking at the bigger picture, we can't stay here forever." Yeongsu explained. "I get that you are comfortable here, but I am not. I don't plan to stay here forever, I can easily take care of myself... however Jiwon, Minseok, Taehyun and Yongrae cannot survive if you never attempt to teach them. You get mad at us for trying to help, you even got mad at Taehyun yesterday for being 'useless,' but he went out there last night and he did something, something brave. He doesn't know how to fight, but he put himself in harms way, that is more than I can say for you, you coward." Yeongsu huffed and didn't let anyone get another word out before he stomped off.

Hanwoo stood dumbstruck for a moment before he turned to glare at Kittichai and Taehyun.

"You both disobeyed direct orders. I don't suppose you two have something to say for yourselves?"

"You're treating us like we are your co-workers from the station. So let me set it straight for you, we aren't people you can freely order around. I am not obligated to obey you, you are free to your own opinion, however, so are we. Don't fool yourself into thinking that we are required to obey you." Kittichai stated before grabbing Taehyun's arm and disappearing to the living room.

Sawyer stood in the doorway still as Hanwoo turned to look at her. He hadn't even opened his mouth yet as she shrugged him off and left the room. Today wasn't going to be the day that she started getting lectured by someone she barely knew, especially Hanwoo. She walked up the stairs and decided to go find Yeongsu. He was the one person she wanted to get to know, she found him interesting and adorable. So far she knew he had a serious personality with a silly sense of humor. Sawyer finds it cute when she makes him nervous just by talking to him, so she made her way to Yeongsu's room and knocked on the door.

"Who is it?" He asked, his voice still irritated from the conversation with Hanwoo.

"It's me, Sawyer." She responded.

It was silent for a moment, she then heard some shuffling just before the door opened.

"What's up?" Yeongsu asked, his hair a little disheveled and his ears tinted a light pink.

Sawyer couldn't help but smile at his messy appearance. "Is this a bad time?" She asked as she looked him up and down in an obvious manner.

He looked down at himself, his shirt was all wrinkled and his one pant leg was stuck in the top of his sock. He looked like he just woke up from a really long nap. "Oh, um... no. Its alright, I was just frustrated."

She watched as his face began to become more red, he rubbed his arm and let out an awkward chuckle. "I mean, I look that way when I become frustrated too." She joked.

"I highly doubt that, I look like a wreck." Yeongsu stated as he ran his hand through his hair a few times, he only made it worse in his attempt to fix it.

Sawyer laughed as she reached out and began to fix his hair for him. The gesture made him go silent and look down. He clearly hadn't expected her to help him with his green mop of hair. She knew that her action was a bit rude, but she was seeing what kind of reaction he would have to her touching his head.

"There you go, all better." She wrapped her arms behind her back and leaned forward, her ponytail falling over her shoulder. She looked up at Yeongsu's face from underneath his hair. His face was more red than she had expected and gave him a smile of adoration. "Are you still feeling frustrated?" She asked.

"Um... no I am not." Yeongsu looked away as he responded. Sawyer was having fun teasing him.

"That is good then." She stated.

"So what did you want?" Yeongsu questioned.

"I just wanted to check on you." Sawyer responded, it wasn't necessarily a lie. She had come to check on him, but had also wanted to get to know him.

"Really?" He asked.

"Yes, was I not supposed to?" Sawyer queried, a small pout forming on her lip as she acted as if she was hurt by his words.

"I mean, I wasn't expecting you to, but it feels kind of nice to have someone check on me." He stated.

She looked behind Yeongsu and into his room. "May I come in?"

Yeongsu went wide eyed at the question, it was probably the last thing he had been expecting her to ask.

"Umm." He seemed to contemplate for a moment before giving her a response. "Yeah, you can come in."