Chapter 31: Kang Hanwoo

Hanwoo ran his fingers through his hair out of frustration. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew that they were right. They aren't his co-workers, so what right does he even have to tell them what they can and can't do. Hanwoo's problem is that he looks at everyone like they're defenseless civilians. In any normal situation it would be his job to protect them, but in this situation it's his job to help everyone survive. He thought that by keeping everyone inside, that they would remain safe. He's now realizing that that isn't the case. Kittichai, Yeongsu, Taehyun and KZ going outside made him see that he can't stop them. He can only prepare them. Him and Seojun can't protect everyone forever.

"If you give a man a fish, you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish, you feed him for a lifetime." Hanwoo whispered to himself.

"Are you saying that we should teach them?" The head detective asked from where he sat eating his food.

"I think that the only way that we are going to make it, is if we take their advice and train them." Hanwoo stated. "We train them how to use weapons, and train them hand to hand combat so that they have even the slightest chance of survival without us."

"I don't really like the idea of them getting into danger, but I am going to have to agree since it's unavoidable." Seojun agreed with Hanwoo. "Let's start this afternoon."


The afternoon arrived quickly. Hanwoo went and gathered everyone in the kitchen. Kittichai and Yeongsu both had an irritated look on their face as they took a seat at the table.

"So Seojun and I have reached an agreement that we are going to train all of you in self defense and wielding weapons." Hanwoo stated as he glanced around the room at every individual.

"I can help." Kittichai added as he nodded at Hanwoo.

"Alright." Hanwoo acknowledged Kitt. "We will begin shortly so everyone should find a partner and meet us in the living room." Hanwoo stated as him and Seojun exited the kitchen.

After a few minutes everyone came into the living room in groups of two. Jiwon partnered with Minseok, KZ partnered with Hina, Yongrae and Yeongsu partnered together and Taehyun partnered with Kitt.

Everyone found their own space to practice. Once everyone was in that space Hanwoo began.

"Alright!" He clapped his hands, grabbing everyone's attention. "We're going to start with this move." Hanwoo demonstrated the move with Seojun. "As Seojun lunges towards me he tries to grab me, I dodge to the side, I take his arm that tries to grab me, twist it behind him and sweep his legs." Hanwoo explained as he demonstrated again.

Everyone began practicing the moves while Hanwoo and Seojun walked around and observed each group. Hanwoo observed Yeongsu and Yongrae first, while Seojun corrected Hina's stance as KZ posed as the attacker.

"Yeongsu-hyung, you seem to have this move down." Hanwoo stated as he examined his footwork.

"It was one of the first moves I learned in the military." Yeongsu responded as he swept Yongrae's leg out from under him.

"You and Yongrae should switch then, and you can help him if he needs it." Hanwoo stated before he went over to Taehyun and Kittichai.

Taehyun went to dodge Kitt, but stumbled as he grabbed his arm. Hanwoo was about to correct Taehyun's stance, but Kittichai corrected him first.

"Your feet are too close together, that's why you're off balance." Hanwoo watched as Kitt nudged Taehyun's feet with his own foot to get them in the proper position.

"Thanks Kittie." Taehyun smiled at Kitt.

Hanwoo scurried away as he went to check on Jiwon and Minseok. He had a feeling that he would be intruding on something if he had continued to observe them any longer.

Once Hanwoo reached the other two, Seojun was already correcting them. Minseok was struggling a bit, but was slowly improving. Jiwon on the other hand seemed to be confused as he kept dodging the wrong way, he seemed to be trying to predict which hand Minseok would try to grab him with. As a result he kept dodging the wrong ways. Seojun was trying his best to teach the two of them, but didn't seem to have any luck.

Hanwoo glanced around the room at the current partners, Yongrae and Taehyun still needed a little help, but KZ and Hina both seemed to have a good grasp on the move.

"KZ switch partners with Minseok." He called over to her.

"Why?" She asked as she approached Hanwoo.

"You seem to have the move down, Minseok needs some improvement, which Hina can help with. Jiwon can't seem to get the hang of it, so maybe you can help him." Hanwoo stated logically.

"Alright, I'll see if I can help." KZ stated as she approached Jiwon.

Hanwoo looked back at Yeongsu as Yongrae hit the ground with a loud thud. Yeongsu was looking over at Jiwon and KZ as they practiced together. A strange look crossed his face as KZ laughed at something Jiwon said. Hanwoo realized that Yeongsu seemed to like KZ, of course as Hanwoo looked around the room he began to notice that there were a few people who seemed to like someone else in the room.

As he looked around he noticed that Seojun had finished trying to teach Jiwon, so he decided to approach the older brunette to check on things.

"You okay?" He asked as Seojun released an exasperated sigh and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Yeah, I'm alright. Just Jiwon." Seojun sat down on the coffee table that Taehyun had been drawing on previously.

"What about him?" Hanwoo questioned as he glanced over at the blonde.

"I'm worried about him, he's struggling with the easiest move. He can't seem to understand that the move isn't based on a prediction, it's based on body language." Seojun explained.

"I understand your concerns, but maybe he just needs a little patience and the right teacher." Hanwoo said as he gestured to KZ as she demonstrated the move to Jiwon once again. "Just maybe, she will be the right teacher for him..."