Chapter 32: Kim Jiwon

A few weeks have passed by since they started learning how to defend themselves. Jiwon has been struggling a lot with it. He doesn't know what he's still doing wrong. As a result of his failures he stood outside of Hina and KZ's room. He had his hand raised, ready to knock on the door, but was hesitant.

Jiwon released a sigh as he dropped his hand, getting ready to leave. As he turned around the door opened.

"Jiwon-ssi?" Hina questioned.

"Uh.. hi." Jiwon said awkwardly as he turned back to look at her.

"Did you need something?" She asked, a kind smile forming on her lips.

"Um, yeah..." He was still hesitant.

"What is it?" Hina asked as she quirked an eyebrow. She stared at Jiwon for a second before her lips formed the shape of an 'O' "KZ isn't here right now."

"She's not?" Jiwon queried, "do you know where she is?"

Hina put her fingers to her chin as she thought, "she's on the roof with Yeongsu."

"With Yeongsu...?" Jiwon repeated as his hand unconsciously gripped the bottom of his shirt, "thanks Hina-ssi."

"No problem." Hina stated as she left her room. "If you need anything else that I can help with, let me know, I'll be down in my old apartment doing some research."

Jiwon nodded in response as he watched her disappear into the kitchen and out of the penthouse. He pondered for a minute if he should wait until KZ comes back, or if he should go and find her. After a moment of thinking he decided to go up to the roof.

Once he reached the roof he looked around. He spotted KZ sitting on the edge of the roof while Yeongsu was standing next to her talking. She was laughing at whatever he was saying and he was smiling in return. Jiwon stared at the two of them, "Yeongsu seems to be fond of her, does he like her?" He thought to himself.

Shaking his head, he walked over to them. Yeongsu looked at Jiwon curiously, "did you need something?" He asked Jiwon, grabbing the attention of KZ.

"I was hoping KZ could help me practice that last move Hanwoo taught us." He responded as he watched Yeongsu's expression faulter a bit.

"Yeah, I can help." KZ said as she stood from the ledge. "Did you want to come watch?" She asked Yeongsu. He looked surprised as he clearly looked between her and Jiwon.

Jiwon rolled his eyes, he didn't really want Yeongsu's company. He wanted to spend time alone with KZ, nor did he want to embarrass himself in front of Yeongsu. Knowing Yeongsu's personality he would never let him live it down if he messed up on the moves.

Yeongsu must've picked up on Jiwon's feelings because he shook his head before responding. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll take a nap, I'm pretty tired." Yeongsu stretched and gave a fake yawn. "See you later," he stated, going inside of the building, leaving the two by themselves.

"What part are you having trouble with?" KZ asked, drawing his attention.

"The whole thing." Jiwon brushed his finger over the bridge of his nose, feeling embarrassed by his inability to understand the motions.

"Alright. I'll be the attacker." She got into position. Jiwon did the same. "Ready?"


She lunged forward and attempted to grab him. He stepped the wrong way as he grabbed her arm. "Stop." She demanded before he attempted to finish the move. "You dodged the wrong way, stop trying to predict my moves. Don't try to guess what my next move will be."

"What do you mean?" Jiwon questioned.

"You're trying to guess what I'm going to do, don't guess. Just watch my movement. Which foot I move first, if my feet shift, if my shoulders shift, where my eyes are focused, everything I do before I move is an indicator of my next move." KZ explained to him.

He tilted his head, "can you show me?"

"Alright, you attack me." She said.

Jiwon lunged forward, his left arm reaching for her. She grabbed his arm, kicked her left leg over his shoulder and rolled, catching his upper body with her right leg. This move caused him to fall back and get pinned to the ground. She was quick to release him and return to her feet. Jiwon also stood back up, dusting his clothes off in the process.

"When you went to attack me, you shifted your right foot so that it was better grounded. This indicates that you aren't moving that foot first. Your right shoulder moved with that foot. Your eyes were focused on my left arm, meaning you were going for my left." She explained, this made sense to Jiwon as he nodded.

"I'll be the attacker again, are you ready?" She asked, which he simply replied with a nod.

This time Jiwon watched her foot as it rotated, her shoulder moving along with it. Her eyes were aimed at his left arm. He managed to dodge correctly as he grabbed her arm and followed through with the roll and pinned her to the ground. After a moment he released her and crawled over to her as she tried to regain her breath. He had knocked her down a little harshly since he wasn't as skilled as she was.

"That was good." She said in a breathy tone as she laid on the roof.

"I didn't mean to knock you down that hard." Jiwon stated as he looked down at her. He sat on his knees next to her.

"It's alright, I don't expect everyone to be as gentle as me." She laughed as she turned her head to look at him. "Just keep practicing, you'll definitely get there eventually. Just remember, watch their movement, don't guess their movement."

Jiwon nodded, he couldn't help but stare at her blue eyes. She was gorgeous. Jiwon began to lean in towards her as he stared down at her.

KZ suddenly sat up and pushed herself onto her feet, stumbling a little. "I think I might need an ice pack." She chuckled as she rubbed her back. "Do you understand the move better at least?"

"Y-yeah." Jiwon blushed as he looked down at his legs. He began to rub his hands over his knees awkwardly. "Did she avoid me just now, did she notice I tried to kiss her?" His mind was racing. "If she avoided it, then does that mean she rejected me? Maybe she didn't notice and I'm overthinking"

"Jiwon-ssi?" She asked as she bent down and tapped his shoulder.

"Ah yes, what is it?" He snapped out of his thoughts.

"Did you want to go inside? It looks like it's going to rain soon. Also you should try asking Kitt or Yeongsu to practice with you. They're better at this than me, and can definitely handle being tossed around more than I can." She laughed as she rubbed her back once again.

"You're right. I'm sorry about tossing you around, I feel bad now." He chuckled, embarrassed by his own clumsiness. "Let's go inside."

Once they were back inside, KZ mentioned that she was going back to her room to lay down, since her back hurt.

Jiwon watched her leave before he released a sigh and returned to his own room. He laid down on his bed so that he was facing upwards. After a few minutes of blankly staring at the ceiling, he placed his arm over his face, "she was definitely avoiding me..."