Hospital fees

When I saw the happy smile on her face, I couldn't help smiling as well.

No matter what one said, Lin Li Zi really was a cute little girl.

It was just a wonder how she wasn't kidnapped and sold before this.

Maybe it was because this world wasn't as cruel, or maybe it was because before this, she had been covered in mud that no one had been able to see her beauty.

Regardless of what it was, I would take care of her for the previous owner of this body.

That was the least I could do for him after taking over his body.

But thinking about it, I realized that now that I had money, I should change a few things.

Looking down at my clothes, I realized that these clothes really weren't suited for a prodigal young master like me. I would have never been caught in such shabby clothes in my past life.

I waved my hand at the manager who was still waiting on the side and he immediately came over.

The manager cupped his hand and bowed his head as he said, "Young master, is there anything that I can do for you?"

With a nod, I said, "Here, take this and go buy us the best clothes you can find."

Without a single care, I just waved my hand and threw another pile of taels of silver on the ground. This pile wasn't smaller than the one that I had thrown on the table previously.

The manager was shocked when he saw this, but then his eyes immediately lit up as he said, "Yes young master, I'll take care of it right away."

I gave a satisfied nod before saying, "Whatever is left will be your tip. I leave it to your discretion."

The manager nodded quickly as he said, "Yes young master, thank you young master."

With that, he ran off while having some people carry the money for him.

Lin Li Zi was looking at me with another angry look after seeing this, but I just said with a smile, "Li Zi, eat more. We'll change into our new clothes once they come."

She really looked like she wanted to scold me, but she held back and took her frustrations out on the food in the end. It didn't seem like she wanted to talk to me at all after seeing how recklessly I was wasting money.

I didn't mind it as I just put some more food in her bowl.

She didn't stay angry for long since this was her first time eating out like this.

When she was stuffing herself with food that was considered new and delicious to her, it was hard for her to keep that frown on her face.

Seeing her smile like this, I felt satisfied.

It didn't take long for the manager to come back with the new clothes for us.

Of course, the money that I had given him had completely disappeared without a trace.

Once he came back, he immediately came over and presented the clothes to us with a very respectful look. He fell to one knee and held it up in front of him as if he was presenting this item to the emperor.

While doing this, the manager said, "Young master, the clothes that you requested."

I looked at the manager without taking it, narrowing my eyes as I looked at the clothes.

When the manager saw that I was looking at him like this, he couldn't help feeling a chill run down his spine as if something was wrong. With a gulp, the manager asked, "Young master, is there something wrong?"

I didn't answer him as I kept looking at the clothes in his hand.

After another moment of silence, my eyes suddenly relaxed and I said with a smile, "Put the clothes down on the side."

The manager was confused when he heard this, but he still did what I told him to.

Once he put it on the side, I said, "Raise your hands out."

The manager was even more confused and a bit afraid when he heard this, but he still slowly raised his hands forward.

I raised my hand up and placed it over his hand before suddenly bringing out a bunch of silver taels. These silver taels dropped down into the manager's hands, but he found it a bit hard to hold all of these since there were just too many of them and they were too heavy.

So in the end, they just dropped onto the floor.

But the manager's eyes still lit up when he saw this money since he could tell that this was double what I had given him before.

The manager didn't waste any time to gather the silver taels and hold them in his arms before saying, "Thank you, young master. Thank you, young master."

In this situation, the only thing that this could be was a tip for running this errand.

I just patted him on the shoulder and said, "This is what you deserve, there's no need to thank me."

The manager looked even more touched before opening his mouth to say something else.

But before he could say anything, I cut him off by saying, "This is your hospital fee after all."

"Huh?" A look of absolute confusion appeared on the face of the manager when he heard this, but I didn't care about him at all.

Instead, I turned to look at another group of customers sitting not far away.

This was a group of rough looking muscular men with blades on the side. They were a group that clearly weren't to be messed with, but…

"Hey, that group over there, do you want to earn some money?" I suddenly shouted out to them.

The rough looking men looked at each other as if they were making sure that I was talking to them before one of them shouted back at me, "Kid, are you talking to us?"

I said with a nod, "How would you like to earn some money? I need someone to break this one's arms and legs."

As I said this, I pointed at the manager who was still kneeling in front of me.