Excursion 4: Rain Dance

Weeping Sam unleashed continuous fire from his umbrellas. Doc however was experienced in such battles. In a quarter of a second he unleashed one of his greatest abilities, Death's Door Anaestheseologist. Upon calling Death's Door he summons its vessel. Its sewn-shut mouth begins opening, stretching out the sutures.

Death's Door in its base can spit out a large tube with a stinger on the end that latches onto a body part. Once attached, the sucker sends shutdown signals, fully immobilizing a part of the body.

Doc immediately initiated this process, and immobilized Sam's left arm. Such a shock distracted Sam for a whole second. He thought to himself, "what is this? My hand, it can't move! My arm, I don't feel it, what's going on."

He attempted to remove the sucker by pulling it out. It was too late.

Doc ran up to Sam and kicked him out of the second story window, disconnecting the sucker from his arm. As Sam fell, he was excited once more. The sensation of almost losing to a new unseen power, one he couldn't understand yet gave a thrill to his puzzle-loving mind.

Sam then commanded a nearby umbrella into his hands, which allowed him to drift gently onto the ground. Doc on the other hand ran down the stairs and exited through the door, encountering Fyky saying, "hey kid, come out, I'm gonna show you something cool."

Sam then decides that this is a fight worth going all out on, unleashing a technique he learnt while experimenting with his power.

Sam possessed the Regal Umbrella Corps, a fleet of one hundred umbrellas which he could control, creating wrather phenomena from beneath the canopy, as well as creating sensory appendages in the same place.

Through vital experimentation with his gift, he made various techniques with which he could win many battles. One of those techniques he called Hailstorm Gatling Gun, and now he was about to unleash a new technique.

Doc first explained to Fyky what was going to happen. "Alright kid, listen up, this man, Weeping Sam, has a gift as well, a gift like yours and what I have. Now, I'm going to unleash my own gifts on him."

Meanwhile, Sam made it rain nearby him, slowly water droplets would freeze around his hands, and in five seconds, the frozen droplets formed an axe with an extremely sharp blade. It was crystal clear. However one question rung in Sam's mind, "why isn't he scared?"

"Now kid, let me tell you about my gifts. My first gift is Shadow Surgery," and five scalpels appeared in between his fingers balled in his hands. He threw the scalpel and it punctured the ground where Sam's shadow was.

"The scalpels are used to keep the objects which cast the shadows in place, keeping that portion of the shadow stuck."

True to his explanation, Sam couldn't move his hand, which is where the scalpel was stuck.

"Now, the second gift I'll show you is called the Injury Reserve," and a blue light cast from the ground revealed five bandages mummies, with cuts on both their torsos and bruises on their abdomen. Each mummy had a lose strap which was wrapped around either wrist of Doc.

"Now kid, when I treated you, I didn't actually use medicine, I used this gift to take injuries from your body, and gave them to these mummies. And now let me show you what I can do."

Sam stood in confusion, because it was completely different to the rock he had summoned earlier, but he wasn't idle. While Doc was explaining his gift to Fyky, Sam used an umbrella to disrupt the shadow of his hand, causing the scalpel to hold the umbrella in place instead of his hand. And he began running up to Doc as he finished the first half of his explanation.

Whilst running, he unleashed the Hailstorm Gattling Gun with two umbrellas aimed at Doc's current position, but he dodged, bobbing underneath the two streams and with a blue ball on the palm of his hands, he brings it to Sam's chest which causes a cut of medium depth to effect his chest. The hall also propelled him upwards, causing him to fall a few feet away, on his back.

"Now, I can take an injury from a mummy, put it into a blue ball, like the one I hit this guy with, and transfer the injury onto him," Doc said as he walked to the fallen Sam, and proceeded to punch him in the face repeatedly, kicking him in the rib several times.

"Now let me tell you a little bit about your powers kid," he started talking as he carried the knocked out Sam over his shoulder, "your first gift, the Devil String allows you to create string, I don't know the exact limits, that's for you to figure out. And your second gift, the Palm of Crackling Flame, can create fire, of course it's up to you to find those limits and specifics, so take your time out here figuring out those answers, while I ask this guy some questions."

"Got it Doc," he replied with wonder written on his face about all of the new potential he's just unlocked after witnessing that battle.

*** Meanwhile ***

Flick and Jasper continue to make their way back into the city. Jasper and Flick take a break, taking a seat behind a nearby gas station.

"Ey Jas, want anything?" Said Flick.

"Give me an energy drink man… oh and a hotdog!"

"Got it buddy."

"Hey now, you should probably get those wounds checked at a hospital don't you think?" Interjected a voice, right next to Jasper's ear, it was a voice which brought fear back into his mind.

Jasper tried to get up, but Black Hawk pressed down the cut on his shoulder, putting him back down. It caused him to yell however, "owwww shit!"

Flick just finished paying for Jasper's food and rushed to the back of the gas station, goods in hand.

"So you're the little git who helped this little guy escape? Nice to meet you, I'm your worst nightmare."

… To be continued.