Excursion 5: Double Beatdown

Flick was standing across from Jasper and Black Hawk. His hands balled into fists, whilst Black Hawk had his right hand on his knife.

"Sorry, I still need your friend for a little more, I'm just gonna borrow him, is that alright?" Black Hawk said sarcastically.

"Don't make another move, or I'm going to kill you!" Said Flick shakily.

Black Hawk again, moved out of sight for a good second, reappearing behind Flick, he said, "then do it," calmly, whispering it behind his ear.

Flick took time to steel himself. He didn't really understand why was happening, it must have been some kind of power he didn't see. There was no gesture, or wind up.

"How'd you do that? How'd you end up behind me?" Flick asked.

"Hmmm nothing special really, just kinda jumped."

Flick ran a few steps forward, turning himself to look at the mystery. He prepared his hands, out of his pocket. Swallowing the last bit of doubt, feeling it struggle down his throat, and focusing on the beads of sweat edging down his forehead.

"Spirit of Debt I summon thee!" He yelled, nervously. Behind his right shoulder descended something akin to a giant fly, it was yellow and had black eyes that were bulbous and occupied half its head. It's wings were constantly flapping, creating a monotonous buzzing and it smelt of old copper coinage. On its abdomen, was a small LED screen which had red eight segment digits which read negative one hundred thousand.

In his right hand appeared a catalogue titled ToDay Shopping Catalogue. It was very colorful, it's cover having its title spelled in dark blue font with yellow outline.

He spoke to the fly-thing, "ten of number fifty five!" And the fly-thing responded, "coming right up." Suddenly, the number on the fly's screen went up by ten thousand, making the display negative ninety thousand, and a plastic bag with the same name as the catalogue appeared in Flick's left hand.

"Catalogue dismiss," Flick called out, and the catalogue vanished from his hand.

"Interesting… hmmm I wonder what that number means?" Said Black Hawk.

Flick hurled two grenades at Black Hawk, who then slashed them ten times with his knife and destroyed the explosive mechanism. He redirected them to the space next to him and the grenades were useless.

Flick hurled more at him, but he kept slicing through them as he walked. Flick then asked the fly for two of twenty six, and two of thirty five, andtwo AK-47s appeared in his hand, attached were bump stocks for easy reloading, bringing the total down to eighty five thousand on the fly's screen. He attempted to unload all of the bullets creating dust around Black Hawk.

But Jasper called out to Flick, saying, "he disappeared, where is he?" And Black Hawk tapped on Jasper's shoulder and said, "right here," right into his ear.

Flick proceeded to start shooting the area, the shock so immense he didn't even realize he almost killed Jasper. Luckily, in that split second, Black Hawk grabbed Jasper's coat in his hand and threw him far off to the side, and dove out of the way as well.

Then from lying down, Black Hawk disappeared from the ground, and he appeared behind Flick once more, "you're killing me here buddy, don't play with those, it might kill me," said Black Hawk coyly, as he slashed the guns with his knives.

Flick turned, ready to spray Black Hawk with led. But Black Hawk pressed the button and the guns suddenly dismantled. The barrel was cut in half, the chamber was cut in half and even the body was split from the handle. Flick was now struggling not knowing what to do.

But something was happening in the background. The immobilized Jasper suddenly took out his blade, and hovered it over his wounds. It began sucking up some of the blood gushing out from his cuts. And suddenly he was able to stand up.

Mad Jasper's gift was a bit special. It was a gift called the Blood-Starved Blade. Its ability was that it could grow in size and strength by consuming blood, it could also use that blood to create blood-based weapons, by densely packing the blood or solidifying the blood it has released. But an even more impressive technique that Mad Jasper made was Vampiric Vitality. He would feed the blood blade his own blood, and in exchange it would help nullify pain signals and maximize Jasper's adrenaline secretion.

Jasper having used this technique mustered enough energy to charge at Black Hawk, slashing him multiple times, and even landing a hit once. He has awakened a legendary fighting style through his jumped up adrenaline, Fight or Flight Technique, where the body relies entirely on subconscious processing to feed into the dodging and attacking decisions of its practitioner. Such veracity caused Black Hawk to step back, "this is gonna be a real problem now huh…" he said to himself.

Flick now summons the catalogue once more, searching through it he finds a katana called the Ito Maratsuchi and he declares "one order of number one hundred and thirteen and two special deliveries of number eighty seven!"

The fly's screen goes up to negative thirty thousand and it delivers the katana into Flick's hand.

Flick and Jasper were on the same wavelength, as they've used the technique many times before. The plan was simple, but first they needed the perfect opportunity to unleash it.

Black Hawk began smiling, "so you greenhorns are finally picking up on things huh, more fun for me," and he grips the knife in his left hand tightly.

Flick and Jasper run at him, Flick smelling blood with the katana held over his head, preparing for an overhead slash, he calls, "two special deliveries number twenty six," and suddenly two packs of blood appear in Jasper's pocket. He feeds the blood to his blade, and the Fly's LED screen goes up to negative twenty eight thousand. With Jasper's dagger now resembling a katana itself, the two slashed at Black Hawk at the same time.

But Black Hawk new what was about to happen, and escaped, disappearing and reappearing two meters away from the two.

The two then split up, changing up their speeds, hoping to throw off Black Hawk, but was ready.

First Jasper swung, and he dodged it, arching his back as if he were playing limbo, then Flick attempted to slash at his neck from above. Black Hawk blocked it with his dagger, and grabbed the enemy's hilt with his hand and moving it towards Jasper to block his incoming slash. And suddenly, once more, Black Hawk disappears.

… To be continued.