Chapter 12: Clarisse's second wedding

" Hi laws", Patricia waved at Sharon but she rolled her eyes in disgust.

She whispered to her daughter, "Had I known I'd have come and pick her up by myself and doll her up, what is this?", she said referring to the lonely lady at the alter,

" I can tell immediately she's not their daughter, their daughter is not even present here",

" I don't care if she's present or not, I'm very angry right now", she whispered.

Clarisse stood at the altar, stood blankly at the flower in her hand. Not like she's throwing it to anyone, who would want to catch a flower from a woman like her, a woman who's getting married to another man just in few days after her divorce?

She sighed dejectedly, trying hard not to listen to the murmurs, though there was nothing new, it just hit differently. She knows they're laughing and pointing at her oversized wedding gown, and her oversized heels and probably also gossiping about her divorce and shamelessness.

Her eyes welled up in tears, why is her life full of pain? why has there never been anything good in her life, her first wedding was such a nightmare, and now? Her husband-to-be stood her up, she was not familiar with any of the people present, like an outcast in the world with no hand to reach out to her, and with no one to ask if she was okay, when will anything good ever happen to her, just when?

She heard the murmurings grow louder, accompanied by gasps and mumbling words but she paid no attention, she wanted to cover herself so as not to hear whatever harsh words they were saying.

But they weren't saying any harsh words, rather, they were gasping in shock at who and what they were seeing.

Clarisse saw a pair of shoes in front of her and just right then her drop of tears fell on the well-polished expensive shoe.

" I hope my bride is not so angry I'm late, I'm sorry, my flight got delayed", he whispered into her ears sending shivers through her spine. The voice was cool and calm yet deep and vibrant, it made Clarisse want to look at him but the word he said kept ringing in her brain, ' Did he? really just said. he's sorry?'.

No one had ever apologized to her, it made her feel so emotional but she didn't want to break down, not in front of him, not in front of everybody.

The priest began to say the vows and they both repeated after him, after saying their ' I do', they exchanged the rings.

Chris frowned. Why is her finger so thin? He looked at her frowning and looked back at his mum who understands perfectly the reason behind his frown, he looked back at Clarisse and sighed.

" We pronounce you now as husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride", the priest permitted.

Clarisse heart skipped hard, she wanted to move back, scared he'd also nearly puked on seeing her face and every step he took closer to her made her heart pound.

He lifted the veil slowly and their eyes met.

Clarisse was stunned, she nearly gasped, the man that stood in front of her was like a beauty god that descended from another realm and he didn't seem like an ordinary man.

His tailored suit hugged his broad shoulders and, his aura of authority was intoxicating hinting at the secret knowledge that he was a master of the universe, with the power to make or break empires with a single phone call. But for all his authority and wealth, it was his eyes that were truly captivating, pi, arcing, and intense, like pools of molten gold that could see into the very heart of a person. He's a tall withble man, statuesque physique and a face that could have been chiseled from marble.

Chris looked at the woman in front of him and all he could see was a pale, fragile lady, her eyes held so much pain and darkness, he wanted to reach out and touch her cheeks, ask her if she was okay, she looked like she had lost every reason to keep living, and a new feeling engulfed him, a feeling to protect her, a feeling to be her shield and land, he wants to protect her with all he have and strangely, he felt a new feeling of desperation in him, desperation and desire to see her laugh and smile.

" Ain't you going to puke?", She asked and he was stunned at first, he would admit that she had a very sweet voice and he chuckled. He grabbed her by the waist and pulled her closer, grabbed her chin, and captured her lips with his. Everybody clapped and cheered.

Clarisse was stunned, she stood still, unable to blink her widely opened eyes. This was her first kiss and it took her by surprise. His lips felt wet, cold, and soft, somewhat soothing that she couldn't resist closing her eyes, she felt the time stopped, her knees going weak and her heart beating so fast that she thought he'd hear.

She couldn't meet his eyes when he pulled away and he chuckled again,

" Is my bride shy?", He whispered to her ear and she quickly shook her head,

" Is this then your first kiss?".


He giggled, getting the answer he wanted, the hiccup told him that was her first kiss, and he leaned over and whispered again, " Anyways, that's also my first kiss and I'd say, I love it, it's memorable".

She looked up at him, showing no expression, and just stared into his captivating grey eyes but then she looked away.

' liar!', she said in her mind, ' he's probably saying that to get me not to be pissed for coming late, who would kiss me and say, it's memorable. He's probably storing some saliva in his mouth', she said and sighed looking away.' Let's just go home and stay invisible, like I always was'.

They had to hurry up with the wedding cause of the paparazzi and reporters, cameras and journalists began to gather around to capture the picture of the third richest man in the United States, it was a rare sight and no one wanted to miss it.

Chris guided Clarisse over to the field where his helicopter was, waiting for him.

" Are we... taking...that?",

" Are you afraid of height?",

" I..I...I don't.. know",

" Don't worry, I'm here princess".

Clarisse furrowed her brow, which sounded so strange and weird, she looked at him wondering if he was in his right state.

When he climbed into the helicopter, he reached out to her, grabbed her hand, and pulled her up.

Her chest started beating fast as she heard the whirring and the roaring sound of the helicopter and when it started moving.

This man must be after my death. She said in her mind trembling.

" going to push me off?",

" Huh?",

" Can you inform me when you want to? So I won't be shocked".

Chris was speechless, what did she take me for? A monster? A troll?

" I'm sorry, I didn't know you're scared of heights", he said and grabbed her by the shoulder, " if at least you feel like jumping, let's do that together then".

Clarisse looked at him sharply, "", She asked.

Why would she ask me that, if anyone is acting weird here, that's you? He said in his mind.

" Of course, but don't you dare think of jumping princess, unless it's on me".