Chapter 13: Alice Uneasiness

Alice groaned covering her ears with the pillow and tried falling deep asleep back and just as she was successfully sleeping back, her phone rang out again with the ringing tone that sounded so noisy.

" Ugh!!", She groaned loudly and sat up with anger ready to blast whosoever was calling her with insults, " Dani?", She called the name showing on her phone screen out and picked up the call.

" what's it?", She said tried to suppress her outburst.

" oh my goodness! Congratulations baby!".

Dani's voice was clouded with excitement that makes Alice even more pissed.

" Congratulations for what?",

" c'mon...stop feigning to be pissed, I know you're very happy right now and I'm actually pissed that you keep such a thing from us, me especially, but I guess you just wanted it to be surprising, anyways... I'm so so so... happy for you right now to even be pissed, but I still am", she said and laughed.

She felt so happy for Alice that her heart could not contain it but Alice was just confused at all she was saying, she felt Dani must still be feeling high after all they all went to night party the previous night and she was just catching a sleep since then.

" What are you talking about?",

" I'm talking about your wedding", Dani said but just then Maya snatched the phone away from Dani and put the phone on speaker,

" I'm happy for you but that was unacceptable, we spent the whole night together and you didn't tell us anything, I should have suspected when you said you couldn't spend the night here, so it was because of your wedding, and how can you go to a night party when your wedding is today, ain't you feeling so tired?",

" switch to video call", Alice said and they switched the call to the video call.

Now all of them are looking so confused.

" Are you guys still high? Cause what wedding are you talking about?", She eyed them as she asked,

" Ain't you the bride?", Dani gasped as she saw Alice's sleepy eyes and messy hair. She definitely isn't the bride.

" I told you guys, that wasn't Alice, she always said it, that she can't marry the guy ", Thalia said and scoffed returning to bed.

" O. M. G.", Maya exclaimed and yawned before handing back the phone to Dani and joining Thalia on the bed.

" Do you guys think I went ahead to marry that cripple guy? Is that why you disturbed my sleep with your call?", Alice yelled, " how could you think of me so low", she eyed Dani over the phone.

"Hey! That guy is not in any way a cripple", Dani announced,

" Huh?", Alice glared at Dani believing if he's not crippled he must then be disabled in one way or the other,

" In fact, the whole media is buzzing with the news, the most handsome man in the United States got married, the rumored disabled man is is god of beauty, those are the headlines and he is going viral faster than the BTS".

Alice was confused, she couldn't find any word to say, she just hung up and immediately searched for what Dani said in the headlines but she found no single post.

She started thinking maybe Dani spoke out of highness but then she thought of a famous blog that any newsworthy content hardly passed by and there she found it, the man and the news Dani was talking about but his face was blurred out, she checked the comment section.

" I knew I would find it here, every post on its other social media or blog was brought down like he must be someone very powerful ",

"What did you expect, he's one of the top richest men, no post about him can be publicized without his permission ".

Those were the comments she was reading in the comment section when the post got deleted, she kept typing and refreshed and the whole thing was gone. She scoffed and searched for other sights but nothing.

Alice bit her lower lips feeling uneasy and dialed her mum's number but the line was busy. She got frustrated and got out of bed.

" Could the rumor about him be rumors? But he didn't try to clear it or even sue the website ", Alice said thinking so hard, " and the whole post was brought down like someone powerful is controlling it, yeah he might be so powerful and all but, can he be that powerful? Oh Alice we are talking about the third richest man", She roughened her hair as she thought to herself, " did I make the right decision..?", She sighed staring into space, " of course, I did, what if these are also rumors, I didn't even see his face or picture", she said and hissed.

Just then, Alice heard the voice of her mother from downstairs and jumped on her feet almost immediately and went out of her room to meet her.

" Hey, mum",

" oh my God! Alice!", Her mum called smiling, " how are you, my dear?",

" you look happy?", she attacked,

" huh?",

" the outing must be so nice",

"Oh, the wedding! Oh my goodness you missed Alice, the son of Percy was nothing that the rumor pictured him to be, goodness, my eyes were blessed today, he was so.... handsome....", She collapsed on the couch grinning as she remembered Christian.

Alice scoffed, a new feeling of anger whelming up in her.

" Is it that handsome?",

" very handsome Alice", Patricia said in her trance,

" Is he disabled?",

" not in any way, even if he is with that face and body, I don't think any woman would want to refuse him", she said,

"And you're happy you gave him to another woman?".

This was when Patricia came to her senses and realized her daughter but be pissed and sad about it.

" Alice", she called and made to touch her but she moved away, " I'm sorry Alice, but, but", she stammered and brought out her phone, showing her the picture of Christian and Clarisse on the alter but Alice's eyes were fixed on the man whose image was a beauty to the eyes of the beholder.

Alice's lips parted and her heart started beating very fast, she wanted to meet this man and see him for herself.

" How can you even be sure this is their real son, you said the husband was away on a business trip",

" yes, but...",

" what if this is the secretary, or someone to just be there so it won't be her alone", Alice said folding her arms beneath her breast,

" that could be true, but yet again...",

" at least they are married, let's have a dinner party as a happy union, that way we can be sure",

" you're right, I'll do that, I'll do that for you", Patricia said trying to see and make sure her daughter was not looking worried or sad in any way.