Chapter 102 Mr. Alwynn, What Can I Do for You

Eden also looked at him. Her eyes were calm, but she was very nervous. Victor's smile made her feel very strange.

She smiled politely and asked, "Mr. Alwynn, what can I do for you?" She had an appointment with Jasper!

"Well." Victor got up and walked to the table. He picked up the two cups of coffee he had prepared. Instead of placing them in front of Eden, he directly handed her a cup of coffee.

Eden smiled and took the coffee. It was at just the right temperature but she didn't like coffee. She took a sip and put it on the table.

Victor glanced at her without leaving a trace. He sat opposite her elegantly and took a sip of coffee. The taste of coffee didn't change. It was his favorite coffee, not too sweet or bitter.

Victor didn't say a word. His strong aura made her feel a little uncomfortable.

She was still waiting for him to speak.