Chapter 103 He Did It on Purpose

She was not very good at socializing.

Victor seemed to know that she would say that. He smiled calmly and said, "Eden, you can't say no. You are the design director of Alwynn Group. Our partners will be at the banquet tomorrow night."

Victor's words made Eden speechless.

She looked petite sitting in front of him. She was slender and had long, wavy, soft hair. Her eyes were pitch-black, and she stared at Victor in confusion.

Victor also looked at her quietly.

One was calm, and the other was confused.

Eden silently looked away. Did she have the right to say no?

She replied in a low voice, "Okay! I will go with you."

After Eden finished her words, she stood up with an indifferent look, as if she had been forced.

For Eden, Victor did force her.

For Victor, he did it on purpose.

Bringing a date to a banquet?!

What a joke!

He had attended all kinds of banquets before and had never had a date.