Chapter 137 Victor Jumped off a Building

Victor took a look at Eden. Her styling should be ready soon.

D*mn it!

If he went back from the lounge now, Haven would definitely find out that he had heard her phone call just now.

He looked down. Although it was on the second floor, it was still quite high. If he jumped down from here, he would definitely be disabled.

Even if he didn't go out, Eden would come to the lounge for him and Haven would know everything.

Victor took out of his phone and sent a message to Eden.

"Eden, ask Brian to take Haven out. Don't tell her I'm here." He even sent her a shut-up emoji.

Eden was focusing  her hair. Her mobile phone and bag were all placed on the glass table beside her.

She didn't notice that she had received a message.

Brian didn't notice it either, because he was concentrating on his work.

He was very serious about his work. When he was at work, he wouldn't take out his phone.

He would only check his phone after work.

Therefore, Victor did not send a message to Brian.