Chapter 138 Do You Have Several Sugar Daddies

Victor took her phone and saw the wallpaper. It was Ricky's photo. His lips curled up and he quickly unlocked her phone.

Suddenly, he frowned. The password made him feel familiar.

He quickly deleted the message he had sent to Eden.

He felt like he was a thief.

He put Eden's phone back. If he had been a little slower, he would have seen the picture of lock screen. It was a picture of Eden's family of five.

But his mind was always on the password.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

His birthday was September 23rd!

He became excited. Just as he was about to ask more, he suddenly saw Haven walking out of the lounge.

His face instantly darkened, and he turned his face away from Haven.

As soon as Haven came out, she saw Victor.

"Victor, why are you..." Haven stopped, looking extremely sad.

He came here with that b*tch Eden.

She thought that Eden was here alone, but she was wrong.

Victor had never accompanied a woman here.

It seemed that Eden was different in his eyes.