Chapter 196 Who On Earth Would Know His Birthday?

Victor walked to the elevator and asked, "Which floor?"

Eden replied, "The second floor.

"The second floor?" Victor frowned when he realized that the elevator was still on the fifth floor. He glanced at the fire exit.

Eden had already walked to the fire exit. Victor smiled wickedly and followed her with one hand in his trouser pocket. The white lights that illuminated on him made him appear dazzling.

When they reached the second floor, Eden got to know from a nurse that Zofia’s ward was in room 202, bed number one.

Eden walked over and saw a male doctor in a white coat and a mask walking out with two nurses.

She walked up to him with a smile and asked, "Doctor, is the patient and her child all right?"

The doctor nodded and said, "The patient and her child are fine as they are saved on time. However, the patient is in a bad mood and she might have a miscarriage any time because of that."

Eden nodded and said with a smile, "Thank you, doctor. I will comfort the patient."