Chapter 197 That Is Because You Do Not Deserve to be A Mother

Eden calmed herself down slightly and dialed Kenny's number.

The phone was quickly picked up by Kenny and she heard an anxious voice, "Hello! Mom, is that you?"

"Yes! Kenny, I encountered some problems when I went out. I might not come back tonight. Do you dare to stay at home alone?" Eden was worried about Kenny. However, Kenny had always been sensible and he shouldn’t have a problem staying at home alone for the night.

"Mom, what happened? Are you hurt? Did you call Uncle Jasper?" Kenny sounded anxious, as if he wanted to be at Eden’s side instantly.

"Kenny, don't call Jasper. It's very late now. Don't bother him."

"I promise you that I am fine. I just need to accompany a friend..."

Kenneth finally believed Eden after she comforted him for a while.

She returned the phone to Victor after hanging up the call. After thanking Victor, she went into the ward.  

Victor looked at her back for a long time. The dim light stretched his tall figure.

Did Kenny want Jasper to come over?