Chapter 205 Having A Paternity Test

Haven had actually rushed out of the company.

She was shocked by Victor and Anson's conversation.

She got into her car and sent a message to her department manager to ask for leave before she drove and chased after Anson.

There were only a few DNA Diagnostics Center in River City. Haven figured that Anson would definitely go to the largest DNA Diagnostics Center in River City.

She followed the route and saw Anson's car.

 Her eyes were still red as she stared coldly at Anson’s car.

She was determined not to let Eden return to the Clement family and snatch everything from her.

There was no room for both of them to stay at the Clement family.

Haven bit her lower lip hard. She was more anxious today than that night.

It wasn’t a big deal to lose her virginity. Everyone was aware of the extravagant life of the celebrities in the circle.

Haven would be nothing without the status of Miss Clement.