Chapter 206 A Woman You Would Never Meet Again

Zofia looked at Eden and nodded gratefully. "Eden, I'm really grateful to you for saving me and my child. I'm really looking forward to the birth of my child even though I don’t know her gender yet.

I never worked after my graduation. However, I have learned great cooking skills from my mother. I plan to open a food stall on my own and use my own abilities to support myself and my child in the future.

It would be inconvenient if I go to work in an office because I won’t be able to take care of my child. After a few days, I will look for a store nearby when my child is stable."

Eden looked at Zofia. Zofia appeared determined and her eyes were filled with hopes.

Women tend to have a stronger will once they become mothers.

Eden asked worriedly, "Zofia, you can't work too much now that you are pregnant. You would need to do many things at the food stall. For instance, you have to wash all types of food and stay up late at night. How is that fine?"