Chapter 207 Mom, You’re Injured

Eden smiled and said, "Kenny, hurry to eat. Today is my day off. I will go out to buy vegetables later so that I can cook something delicious for you tonight. I will ask Jasper to come over to eat together with us."

"That’s great!" Kenneth nodded with a smile. "Mom, your cooking is delicious!"

Kenneth narrowed his clear big eyes when he saw the wounds on Eden’s forehead when he looked up at her.  

"Mom, you’re injured."

Eden glanced at him with a smile. Kenneth looked worried and his gaze seemed to imply that Eden had lied to him.  

Eden smiled and said in a soothing tone, "Kenny, it's just a little bit of skin abrasion. I’m fine. Eat your food quickly! It won't taste good if it gets cold."

"Okay!" Kenneth nodded his head faintly. He lowered his head and ate his food without saying another word.

Eden took a shower again after she finished her food. She was very sleepy because she had not slept for a night.

She said a few things to Kenneth and fell asleep on the sofa.