Chapter 280 She Has A Boyfriend, Take It Easy

Victor sneered and said, "Anson, you've only seen Abigail twice. Besides, she has a boyfriend. You shouldn't steal other people’s girlfriend."

Anson was not angry when he heard that. Instead, he said with a smile, "Victor, you're noble and you look decent but aren't you stealing Jasper’s girlfriend too? Please think about what you are doing before you talk about others."

When Victor heard that, he narrowed his eyes slightly and retorted, "I didn't try to steal Jasper's girlfriend. You can ask Eden if she and Jasper are lovers. Jasper was the one who snatched Eden away from me."  

"Pfft!" Anson couldn't help but laughed and rolled his eyes at him. He had a disdainful expression on his face as he said sarcastically, "Victor, I knew you wouldn't admit it. You are the only one who could be so bossy in the world. Everything wrong could become right when it comes to you."