Chapter 281 If Cyan Was Not The Gienger Family\'s Biological Daughter, Who Was Her Real Parents?

Nobody had seen Victor smile before in the company.

"Uncle Victor, Uncle Anson." When Henrick came out of the dressing room and saw Victor and Anson, he greeted them politely with a smile.

Victor smiled and walked over to him, took his little hand, sat on a side sofa, and asked, "Ricky, are you tired?"

Abigail looked at Victor and suddenly felt that Victor was overly concerned about Ricky and Eden.

Henrick shook his head with a smile. "Uncle Victor, I’m not very tired. The photoshoot went very smoothly."

Victor couldn't help but feel distressed when he saw Ricky’s tired face. It was really heart-breaking to see a child being that strong.

Victor coaxed, "Ricky, can you call your mother and your brother when you get off work? Let's go to dinner together." Victor didn't want to go back. He just wanted to be with them.

Henrick was about to speak when his phone rang suddenly.

He picked it up and found that Giada was video calling her. He looked at Victor and smiled apologetically.