Chapter 303 What Do You Mean by People Like Us

Eden saw that Zofia was scared and she felt as if she was looking at herself seven years ago.

She was very careful in front of the people in the Gienger family. She was cautious with her every movement, expression, gaze and even her breathing!

She knew that deep down, Zofia was terrified. However, she would not let Zofia get hurt because she was still pregnant.

"Hmph!" Aisling snorted coldly and looked at Eden with contempt. "Money can indeed trample on the dignity of people like you. Only by teaching you a hard lesson will you know what you deserve and what you can't afford.

Even if Victor didn't marry Haven, he wouldn't marry a shameless woman like you who has children before marriage."

A woman who had children before marriage?

Eden still felt very uncomfortable even though she was used to hearing this phrase. However, she still looked at Aisling with a smile and did not change her expression.