Chapter 304 Who Hit You?

"Mom..." Haven looked at Aisling's back sullenly. She did not have the chance to speak just now.

How dare Eden called her a dog?


Even though Haven’s words were not as vicious as Eden, she would be more ruthless than Eden and would use shady means towards her.

She stomped her feet angrily and followed Aisling out of the alley.

Eden and Zofia went out of the alley.

Zofia took Eden to the vegetable market.

Eden didn’t know the address. However, she was not worried because she had Zofia to lead the way.

Zofia looked at Eden apologetically. "Eden, I'm sorry for letting you suffer today."

She still felt bad that Eden had received the slap on her behalf.

Eden glanced at her with a smile and said, "Zofia, I’m fine. A person would become more tolerant after encountering countless grievances. It was nothing and you don't have to feel guilty! Aren't we friends?