Chapter 306 All Kinds of Gifts

Jaida saw that Zaiden ate happily last night, so she would cook for him again today.

Zaiden, who was always punctual, arrived at Eden's house at twelve o’clock on time.

A furniture truck also stopped at Eden’s house.

Eden opened the door and welcomed Zaiden.

"Uncle Calder, you're here."

"Eden, I am here. Ask Kenny and Gia to come out first. I will ask the staff to bring out the old furniture and bring new ones in. The furniture can be used once they are moved in." Zaiden said with a smile.

Eden said gratefully, "Okay! Thank you, Uncle Calder!" Eden waved her hand and signalled Kenneth and Giada to go and play in the yard.

Kenny and Gia ran out obediently and played aside.

Eden made a path for the workers to move the furniture.

Her family had just moved in. They had not used much furniture and there were not many things in the house. Replacing the furniture at the moment saved them a lot of trouble indeed.