Chapter 307 Fried Beef With Shredded Melon

Anson looked at Zaiden and said, "Mr. Calder, see you next time!"

"Okay! Take care!" Zaiden smiled politely. He knew that Anson wanted to stay for dinner but he didn’t want to have dinner with him.

Zaiden could have arrived earlier. However, he purposely asked someone to check Anson’s whereabouts and came here almost the same time as Anson.

Jaida rarely asked him for help. He would do his best to help her if she asked.

He would not let go of such a good opportunity to help her!

Jaida had begun to accept his affection for her, which meant that she had let go of the past.

Anson glanced at Eden's red and swollen cheeks before he drove off without even asking Eden because Zaiden was present.

Zofia came over at the same time.

Jaida stood by the window and watched Anson's car leave. Only then did she enter the kitchen to continue preparing lunch with a complicated expression on her face.

Zaiden brought enough people to carry the old furniture out and brought the new ones in.