Chapter 329 They Were The Two People He Hated The Most In His Life

Victor's words reminded Eden of what Jasper had told her.

Victor was involved in several car accidents because there was a problem with his car.

Was it like what Jasper told her, that Rebecca really wanted to end Victor's life and took all his property?

She suddenly realized that Victor also did not lead an easy life.

Sometimes, she could see his vulnerable side from his sharp and dark eyes.

Victor only withdrew his gaze from Vincent after Vincent drove off.

He looked sideways at Eden. He suddenly saw that there was a touch of worry and pity in her eyes and his mood became much better.

"Eden, let's go to the garage directly." His tone was deep and was less cold.

"Okay!" Eden came to her senses and nodded frantically.

Victor smiled slightly and headed to the garage.

Victor and Eden did not speak along the way.

Eden’s heart couldn’t help but ached for Victor as she watched his cold and noble back.

Victor regretted letting Eden witness what had happened just now.