Chapter 330 You Were The One Who Insisted On Following Me Today

Victor followed her gaze and suddenly saw Zofia who was busy in the store. He instantly understood what was going on.

"Ah!" Victor looked at Eden quickly, "Eden, when you say you want me to come here and do some hard work, do you mean to ask me to clean up this place?"

He was not good at this kind of things!

Eden nodded with a cunning smile. "Victor, didn't you say that we are friends?"

"Hehe..." Victor grinned. "Eden, but this..."

Eden interrupted him and said seriously, "Victor, you were the one who insisted on following me today. I am here to help Zofia to clean up her store today. You know that Zofia is pregnant and she has no friends by her side. She will have a hard time if we don’t help her."

Zofia had bought some stainless steel cabinets today. She still had to clean everything even though they were brand new.

Victor was speechless when he heard Eden say that they were friends!