Chapter 345 Victor, I\'m Back

Eden did not ask any more questions. She sat there quietly and waited for him to calm down before he continued.

At that moment, she didn’t dare to look at Victor’s painful face.

She was afraid that his painful look would be engraved in her heart if she did that.

She would feel pain when she recalled the memories etched in her heart.

Victor needed a quiet listener at the moment.

Eden felt the pain in Victor’s words. Victor suppressed the pain in his voice and said slowly, "It was raining so heavily that night that I could barely see the sight in front of me. I was in so much pain and I just wanted to vent it out.

I ran forward as fast as I could. Eden, who was behind me, did not give up chasing after me.

I suddenly realized that Eden was still behind me when I was tired and I stopped running. I quickly went back but I couldn't find her. It has been almost nineteen years and I have never seen her again..."

Victor continued his story after that!