Chapter 346 I Heard That Mr. Alwynn Is A Very Good Person

Victor looked at Eden sideways and smiled. "Eden, don’t you remember what I have told you? She has already came back to me but she doesn't remember me."

Eden said, "What?"

"That's right! You seem to have said something like that! Who is it?" She looked at him and asked.

Victor thought to himself, "Eden, it's you!"

Victor didn't say anything. He just held her hand and walked forward quietly.

Eden knew that he did not want to talk about it when she saw the he didn’t speak!

It was fine if he didn’t want to talk about it. She could remain curious and perhaps be surprised in the future!


Eden smiled at herself secretly. Why was she so curious about his matters?

Why did she feel like she could empathize with him when he mentioned Eden Clement?

Eden's mind was filled with thousands of question marks.

She had a vague answer in her heart but she didn’t dare to get to the bottom of the matter.

Victor asked, "Eden, are you still going to the exhibition tomorrow?"