Chapter 387 Why Did You Betray Me?

At the moment, only Anson, Brody and Bethany were in the spacious office.

Antony took advantage of the time to persuade the shareholders.

Anson was stunned when he heard the explosive news.

When he came back to his senses, he quickly fixed his curious gaze at the honest-looking Brody.

Brody looked like a modest gentleman. Anson had never expected him to have another woman and a son behind Bethany's back!

Brody had really hidden his true colors.

Brody, whom Anson knew, was a timid person who could not handle heavy responsibilities.

No matter what the occasion was, Brody would always bring Bethany with him. Most of the time, it was Bethany who single-handedly negotiated the business deals.

Tsk tsk tsk!!

One couldn’t really judge a book by its cover!

Brody looked at Bethany with his mouth agape. How did Bethany know about that?

His eyes flickered and he didn't dare to meet Bethany’s painful and cold gaze.