Chapter 388 She Had Reaped What She Had Sown

Brody looked at Bethany in shock when he heard the word "divorce".

In the past, Bethany had never asked for a divorce no matter how hard their lives were or how bad they had quarreled.

He somehow panicked when he heard her say the word for the first time today.

It was not that his heart didn’t ache for her when he saw how distraught she was but that he really didn't know what to say at the moment.

Everything that he said now would be wrong!

He said quickly, "Aisling, I’m not getting a divorce!" His tone was firm and he looked at her guiltily.

"Haha..." Bethany laughed miserably. She walked hurriedly to Brody, grabbed his collar and said word by word angrily, "Brody, if you still have a conscience, divorce me immediately."

She hated to be betrayed, especially by her closest and most beloved person.

She could understand why Cyan had betrayed her. After all, she had never been nice to Cyan. She could actually understand the things that Cyan did today.