Chapter 412 I\'ll Make You Lose Your Reputation As A Designer

No matter how busy Eden was, she would finish her work before she got off work every day.

She would bring her work home if she couldn’t finish it at work. Therefore, she rarely worked overtime in the office!

She would leave her office on time when it was time to get off work!

She was not affected by the online gossip today!

She was accustomed to it now since she had experienced similar situations before!

Besides, Victor was influential and powerful in River City!

Many media reporters dared not come to the company. Therefore, she was not afraid of being blocked at the door and not able to get out of the company!

Eden left before Amelia. She walked out of the office and glanced at Lucian.

Most of the time, she would see Lucian packing up and getting off work at this time. However, he was still working today. Eden asked curiously, "Mr. Ronen, are you working overtime today?"

She walked over with a smile.