Chapter 413 I Need Encouragement At The Moment

Vincent liked those works very much. The Jotham Alwynn Group would definitely make a lot of money if they launched the works as the main styles!

It was a pity that the people from the Alwynn Group had discovered that they were going to launch them. The most annoying part was they prevented the Jotham Alwynn Group from launching the products at the last minute.

At present, the Jotham Alwynn Group had still not come up with new products. Phillip rejected the clothes designed by their design director three times.

Vincent was very anxious the past few days!

"Vincent!" Haven ran to his car, opened the door quickly and got it.

Vincent glanced at her and asked, "Why are you so late today?"

Haven did not look good. She said gloomily, "I haven't finished my work yet!"

"I see! I have also been very busy recently. I may not have time to pick you up in the next few days. I'll ask the driver to pick you up!" Vincent started the car as he spoke.