Chapter 440 It Turns Out That No One Lives An Easy Live In The World

Seeing that Eden didn't speak, Amelia continued, "Director Bleu, you must believe that sometimes love comes unexpectedly, and so does happiness. I can feel that Mr. Alwynn likes you. Can't you feel it yourself?"

She was quite close to Eden, so she knew Eden wouldn't be offended even if she joked about it. 

Eden looked at her expectant face and said helplessly, "Amelia, you are right. But why people only believe in the things they see, instead of finding out the truth behind them? That's because when someone does something, other people will always use their experience to draw a conclusion. This kind of accustomed thinking makes everyone follow the trend.

In the end, it would turn into a foregone conclusion as there would be more and more people believe in it. Victor and I are really not what you think."

Amelia felt that her words indeed make sense, so she walked back to her desk and sat down quietly.