Chapter 441 Lunch Together

The planning meeting had lasted for more than an hour. Eden sat taking notes of every proposal put forward. After returning to her office, she started to work again.

Among her most memorable moments in the past few years was the time when she had gained success. Every time she looked back on it, she felt quite lucky.

Later, she found Anson was not in the office. Hadn't he come back yet?

Eden took a look at her cell phone. It was almost lunchtime for Ricky.

Today, he was shooting on location, and he would do stunts in the air with wire ropes. She was quite worried about him.

So, she called him.

Eden hadn't expected the call to be answered immediately.

"Hi Mom, how are you doing? Have you eaten yet?" Ricky asked happily.

Eden smiled, "I am well, and I will go to have lunch soon. You told me that you were shooting on location today. Have you finished?"