Chapter 493 Almost Bite His Tongue

Eden had just sat in her seat when Victor lifted his eyes and looked at her gently.

Eden also raised her head. Their gazes met, one gentle and the other calm.

Victor slowly withdrew his eyes and smiled slightly.

In the spacious and bright conference room, there were already department managers sitting around the luxurious oval table. Seeing Victor's sudden smile, everyone was shocked.

During meetings, they had barely seen Victor laugh.

Or, rather, they had never seen him laugh.

He had always been very serious about work. When it came to his routine meeting, everyone would be on tenterhooks. As long as there was a small mistake, he would point it out and ask them to improve.

If they made the same mistake the next time, it would be even worse. Not only would they be scolded, but they would also have to stand his unbearable majesty and coldness.