Chapter 494 People Must Work Hard

Victor was too abominable. He allowed his son to put a price on the endorsement fee at will.

When it came to outsiders, how the hell could he be so stingy?

It was almost impossible for Anson to convince Chloe.

Of course, it would be totally different if Victor could go instead of him. Victor had become highly sought-after in Victor Country.

Victor glanced at Anson with cold eyes and didn't say anything.

He then asked everyone, "Do you have anything else to say?"

The managers quickly shook their heads. He had made the final decision. Who dared to object?

Victor took a look and said coldly, "That's all for today. Please go back to work. Director Bleu, stay here, please."

Everyone quickly got up and left as if they had been granted amnesty.

Anson looked back three times with each step and stared at Victor with a sad face. The meeting had finished promptly, but all the heavy burdens fell on him.