Chapter 529 Dinner

Aisling took a look at Vincent, who was still looking at his mobile phone. She was dissatisfied with him, but Haven wanted to marry him. 

Haven was good-for-nothing and sometimes very hypocritical. But she was greedy for Vincent's rich and powerful family and couldn't extricate herself.

Aisling had already tried to persuade her but failed. There was nothing else she could do.

"Vincent!" She called out in an even tone.

Vincent slowly took his eyes off his phone and looked at Aisling, saying, "Yes?"

Haven looked nervously at Vincent, and she was also out of sorts.

But now, she had no other choice but to marry him.

Aisling pursed her lips slightly and said, "Tonight, let's talk about your wedding!"

Vincent was a little surprised, "Aunt..."

"What should you address her? You two are engaged," Phillip reminded him sternly.

Vincent was stunned for a moment. He didn't feel like calling her mom.