Chapter 530 You Are Not My Sister

After the meal, without talking much, the Clement family went back home together.

As soon as Haven returned home, she locked herself in her room, feeling happy.

Delmont and Buddy went back to their rooms.

After washing up, Wyatt was sitting on the sofa in gray pajamas, looking down at his mobile phone.

When Aisling came out of the bathroom, she saw his smiling face. She asked with a smile, "What are you looking at? Why are you so happy? Didn't you scoff at those phubbers before?"

Wyatt didn't take his eyes off the phone and chuckled, "It's Ricky. Look at him! He must have a bright future."

Hearing this, Aisling laughed as well, but her eyes became much dimmer. "Wyatt, who do you think the kids' father is?"

Wyatt's face grew solemn, and his heart ached. "You've also heard about what happened to Eden in the Gienger family. I'm afraid that even Eden herself doesn't know who the father is."