Chapter 537 Because I Have You

Victor turned around and looked at the pretty woman sitting at the desk. She was quietly reading the book, giving a peaceful feeling which made Victor not dare to disturb her.

Ever since he had met her, he had never seen her negative emotions. He could only see her beauty and glory.

He smiled and murmured, "Eden, because of you, I am no longer lonely."

Eden was reading carefully when she heard Victor's voice. She looked up at him.

And Victor was looking at her with a gentle smile, holding a book in his hand. His smile was undisguisedly showing his love.

Eden smiled, "What did you just say?"

Victor walked over and sat opposite her, still looking at her with deep and gentle eyes. "I said, because of you, I am no longer lonely."

Eden was stunned.

Why did he suddenly say such cheesy words? The atmosphere became quite embarrassing.

But at the same time, there was something surging inside her.

An inexplicable feeling was lingering in her heart. And she felt flattered.