Chapter 538 Victim

Jasper said, "Eden, come to my home now. We need to talk."

Eden said, "But I'm going to work."

Jasper suddenly became serious and said, "I got the news that Rebecca has bought a lot of shares of the Jotham Alwynn Group secretly. I'm afraid you will fall victim to the war between her and Victor."

Eden didn't know what to say.


"Is it so serious?" Eden was a little surprised. But she also knew Rebecca was good at underhand tricks.

"Yes! She has never given up murdering Victor, but she doesn't dare to do it too frequently. Victor's car accident must have something to do with her. A few months had passed now, I'm afraid that she will take action soon. You might be her primary target. After all, Victor cares about you very much."

When Jasper said this sentence, he was so angry that he gritted his teeth. Victor was his rival in love, and he was actually speaking up for him.

Eden frowned, "This is a legal society. Does she really dare to do that?"