Chapter 597 You little dummie, why are you crying?

She shook her head with a smile and said, "Mum, I've just been with my teacher. I haven't seen Vincent and have no idea where he's gone."

Vincent Alwynn, you'd better not let me get any evidence of your cheating on me or I will make you regret it when the time comes for a divorce.

Haven thought mockingly that she had absolutely no intention of spending the rest of her life with Vincent because she could have chosen a much better man.

Vincent was such a b*stard, and she would dump him without mercy.

Rebecca frowned and looked around the lobby to see that only the staff were remaining and that everyone else had left.

Her eyes were filled with resentment. During her absence from the company, Vincent had really become more and more arrogant, and now she wondered where he had gone with that woman again.

"Let's go first and forget about him!" She got angry at the sight of Vincent.  So out of sight, out of mind.