Chapter 598 This place is open only for you tonight.

Eden was surprised, "Does the restaurant still have lobster?" She remembered that it wasn't lobster season.

"Anything you want, I can make it possible for you." He would pamper her like a princess.

Victor drove the car to the parking lot.

Eden looked around and asked, "Victor, are we going to the Marriott Hotel?"

Victor nodded and unbuckled her seat belt.

"It's expensive. You're such a spendthrift."

Victor reached out and pet her head, "Dummie, it's our own hote. So you can stay as long as you want and eat whatever you want. The whole hotel is closed tonight, just to serve us. The food is all ready for us to go up and eat."

Eden was shocked.

How could such an awesome thing happen to her?

The story of Cinderella becoming a princess happened to her and it made her a little unbelievable.

Victor got out of the car and came over to open the door for her first, then led her out.