Chapter 622 Compliment

Victor looked at the girl who was moved by him and suddenly felt that he was particularly evil.

This girl was kind-hearted, but she had her own principles. Like when facing Paulina, she did not make a concession and made Paulina’s face turn red with anger.

"Eden really did a good job." Victor thought happily.

The woman found him herself. He did not even know her name.

However, she dared to scheme against him with Haven…

Thinking of this, Victor sneered.

Eden looked at Victor for a while and finally restrained her emotions. She looked at Victor and said, "Let's go. I've finished my work today. And I've talked to Mr. Ronen. Our performance this year is very good."

Victor nodded. Their performance this year was better than ever. The Alwynn Group had always ranked first in this year's exhibit. He asked, "Eden, didn’t you say you want to eat ribs? Let’s go to the restaurant first."