Chapter 623 I Haven\'t Thought About This

Anyway, she had to face it sooner or later. And it was not bad to have a good chat now.

She understood, from her own experience as a single mother, that every kid needed a father because the father also had a great influence on the child.

Aisling laughed and said, "Let's go to the cafe next door. I'll buy you ice cream and coffee you like."

Eden felt a little moved when she heard this. She nodded and said, "Thanks, Mom!"

She had three mothers in her life. Among them, Jaida was the closest one. She could feel a sense of belonging, and they were bounded by a relationship that was even beyond blood relations.

As for Aisling, though she was Eden’s birth mother, perhaps because of the misfortunes that happened before, or because they were not familiar with each other, Eden was not close with her. For Eden, no matter what kind of feeling it was, it needed to be cultivated.

But fortunately, they clicked at first sight. And Eden felt comfortable when with Aisling.