Chapter 625 I\'m Not Threatening You

Eden knew what Aisling was thinking. She had been in the Gienger family for so long, and she also knew what marriage for business meant. However, this kind of marriage rarely ended well.

Most were under great strain, having no happiness. Aisling's marriage was an exception. However, Buddy might not be as lucky as his parents. Moreover, how could he sacrifice his child for the sake of business interests?

"Mother, marriages for business are usually not happy. You know that Buddy is very capable and calm. He must be able to lead the Clement family to a better future with his own strength," Eden said with a smile. She believed that if Buddy took over the family business, the Clement family would steadily develop.

Since her mother admitted that she had gone too far before, there was a chance for Buddy and Zofia to get back together.

She hoped they could end up together because they were suitable for each other.