Chapter 626 You Can\'t Bear The Consequences

Iris also recognized Haven, and she looked at her haughtily.  With a mocking smile, she said, "Mrs. Alwynn, what a coincidence!"

The "Mrs. Alwynn" that came out of her mouth instantly filled Haven's heart with shame.

When she was messing with Vincent, had she ever thought of her, the so-called "Mrs. Alwynn"?

It was ironic!

Eden looked at them and the atmosphere was so intense!

Judged from her threatening words to Vincent, Iris should be a tough woman. 

Haven sneered, "Who are you? Do I know you?"

Haven responded with a question that was even more arrogant. She gave a sardonic grin and looked at Iris with disdain. Vincent had a lot of women. Did she have to take care of every one of them?

She was not so crazy to bother to do such a tiring thing. She just wanted Vincent's money. Victor was her true love. And she would acquire both Victor and money someday.

No matter who she married, Victor was the person she loved the most.